As he walked by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea—for they were fishermen. And he said to them, "Follow me, and I will make you fish for people." Immediately they left their nets and followed him.
Matthew 4:18–22
The calling of the first Disciples marks the beginning of Jesus’ ministry, following his baptism by John the Baptist, and the time of testing by Satan in the desert.
It is interesting to contemplate how we might have reacted had we lived during that time and been asked to leave everything and follow Jesus. But this was a time chosen by God, and people chosen by God for a specific purpose. Even though the Disciples got to walk and talk with Jesus directly, ask him questions and learn from him, it does not appear that they had an easy time understanding. In fact, it seems like it wasn’t until all the facts were in, the life and teaching of Jesus, His death, and witness of His resurrection and ascension that they truly understood. Their willingness to move from denial to a belief so strong that they were themselves crucified, offers compelling proof that all these events occurred.
Sometimes we are so busy looking for proof that we don’t see it all around us. Most often it is only by the grace of God that we can a see the truth. Even though we did not live during the time of Jesus, it is true that we are being, called just as the Disciples were called, to follow Jesus. Are we listening? Are we responding?
Warren Harper
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Lenten Reflection - March 30, 2011
Thus says the LORD: Stand at the crossroads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way lies; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls.
Jeremiah 6:9-16a
I must say I read this passage several times and pondered on what might the tribe of Benjamin thought as they where fleeing Jerusalem. Why had they strayed from God’s law? How could they think that the life they where living was pleasing to him? It is hard for me to imagine that back then they faced what we do today. The secular world as we know it. Yes, it was different then as it is now. But reading through Jeremiah, God was not pleased with their disobedience and lack of respect for the defenseless. All God wanted from them was to follow his command. To obey His word and to be messengers. To live a disciplined life. We as Christians face those same challenges each and every day. We can easily be led astray from God and the church. Sin is never removed by denying we can’t fall into it. We must ask for forgiveness. We must be strong in our faith, and pray that when we come to the crossroads and have to choose, it’s God’s path we take. For his is the only way to find true peace and rest for our souls.
Rona Fox
Jeremiah 6:9-16a
I must say I read this passage several times and pondered on what might the tribe of Benjamin thought as they where fleeing Jerusalem. Why had they strayed from God’s law? How could they think that the life they where living was pleasing to him? It is hard for me to imagine that back then they faced what we do today. The secular world as we know it. Yes, it was different then as it is now. But reading through Jeremiah, God was not pleased with their disobedience and lack of respect for the defenseless. All God wanted from them was to follow his command. To obey His word and to be messengers. To live a disciplined life. We as Christians face those same challenges each and every day. We can easily be led astray from God and the church. Sin is never removed by denying we can’t fall into it. We must ask for forgiveness. We must be strong in our faith, and pray that when we come to the crossroads and have to choose, it’s God’s path we take. For his is the only way to find true peace and rest for our souls.
Rona Fox
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Lenten Reflection - March 29, 2011
But Martha was distracted by her many tasks; so she came to him and asked, "Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to do all the work by myself? Tell her then to help me." But the Lord answered her, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things; there is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part, which will not be taken away from her."
Luke 10:38–42
This scripture came at the perfect time for me. There are certain times of the year when I must let Martha out and other times I keep her locked away. I read the passage this morning and realized she is overdue to be put away. It is so easy to not see what is right in front of you because you are too busy looking at tasks to be done. We want to have all of our ducks in a row because this is what is expected of us. In the moment of completing our tasks it becomes easy to judge and resent those who are simply "living" (like Mary was). Instead I think this is a perfect lesson for us to look inside ourselves to find what is most important. We should be focusing on the blessings we have received. Living the life God wants for us. Turning away from the daily grind and to focus on the here and now. This is what living is. Sometimes it is easier said than done - especially on Sunday mornings when we have so much to do. When we attend church we are getting what Mary sought after that afternoon - spiritual guidance. We all need to live in the moment like Mary was able to do. Let Martha come out only out of necessity.
Nola Meyers
Luke 10:38–42
This scripture came at the perfect time for me. There are certain times of the year when I must let Martha out and other times I keep her locked away. I read the passage this morning and realized she is overdue to be put away. It is so easy to not see what is right in front of you because you are too busy looking at tasks to be done. We want to have all of our ducks in a row because this is what is expected of us. In the moment of completing our tasks it becomes easy to judge and resent those who are simply "living" (like Mary was). Instead I think this is a perfect lesson for us to look inside ourselves to find what is most important. We should be focusing on the blessings we have received. Living the life God wants for us. Turning away from the daily grind and to focus on the here and now. This is what living is. Sometimes it is easier said than done - especially on Sunday mornings when we have so much to do. When we attend church we are getting what Mary sought after that afternoon - spiritual guidance. We all need to live in the moment like Mary was able to do. Let Martha come out only out of necessity.
Nola Meyers
Monday, March 28, 2011
Lenten Reflection - March 28, 2011
"With what shall I come before the LORD, and bow myself before God on high? Shall I come before him with burnt offerings, with calves a year old? Will the LORD be pleased with thousands of rams, with ten thousands of rivers of oil? Shall I give my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?" He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?
Micah 6:3–8
Micah was a prophet in the 8th century B.C. He, as well as other prophets, was charged with keeping God before the people and listening for the voice of God.
The Lord says, He has a case against the people of Israel. He wants to know what He has done that causes them to act the way they do. In this passage God is speaking to the people of Israel, reminding them of some of the things that He has done for them. These include bringing the people up from Egypt, sending Moses and Aaron and Miriam to lead them, etc.
Man wants to know what should be done to make up for all the misdeeds. Should he come before the Lord with burnt offerings, ten thousand rivers of oil, thousands of rams, offer his firstborn for his transgressions, etc.
The Lord replies that man should "act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God." These three things cover the Ten Commandments, the Golden Rule, and the Sermon on the Mount.
Priscilla Hardesty
Micah 6:3–8
Micah was a prophet in the 8th century B.C. He, as well as other prophets, was charged with keeping God before the people and listening for the voice of God.
The Lord says, He has a case against the people of Israel. He wants to know what He has done that causes them to act the way they do. In this passage God is speaking to the people of Israel, reminding them of some of the things that He has done for them. These include bringing the people up from Egypt, sending Moses and Aaron and Miriam to lead them, etc.
Man wants to know what should be done to make up for all the misdeeds. Should he come before the Lord with burnt offerings, ten thousand rivers of oil, thousands of rams, offer his firstborn for his transgressions, etc.
The Lord replies that man should "act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God." These three things cover the Ten Commandments, the Golden Rule, and the Sermon on the Mount.
Priscilla Hardesty
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Lenten Reflection - March 27, 2011 The Third Sunday of Lent
Let mutual love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it.
Hebrews 13:1,2
Oh, God, for this day, just this one day, Let me live generously, kindly, in a state of grace and goodness that denies my many imperfections, And makes me more like you.
The above is the final paragraph to a prayer I keep in front of me at my desk. I try to read it daily, because if we truly work each and every day to be more like Christ, showing grace and love to those we meet, think of how different the world would be.
Molly Nussear
Hebrews 13:1,2
Oh, God, for this day, just this one day, Let me live generously, kindly, in a state of grace and goodness that denies my many imperfections, And makes me more like you.
The above is the final paragraph to a prayer I keep in front of me at my desk. I try to read it daily, because if we truly work each and every day to be more like Christ, showing grace and love to those we meet, think of how different the world would be.
Molly Nussear
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Lenten Reflection - March 26, 2011
For thus said the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel: in returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in trust shall be your strength.
Isaiah 30:15–18
In this first verse we thought of Ash Wednesday and the service at St. James, when we reflect on our sins and ask the Lord for forgiveness. We return to Him all year long, but especially on that night when the church is so somber and we are in deep repentance.
In verses 16 and 17, the people of Israel are fleeing, running from the enemy, and not waiting on the Lord. How easy it is to run from the things that bother us most? We all run from something! In verse 18 the Lord asks us to wait for Him. We still run though, running is easier than waiting. We need to learn to wait for the Lord just as He waits for us.
God is unselfish, not only waiting for us to call on Him, but listening when we do. He loves our praises, thanksgivings, and especially our cries for help, but a relationship with God is not one sided. Just as we converse with our friends, it wouldn’t be a conversation if one person spoke. In waiting we can listen and by listening our relationship with God is made stronger. This Lenten season I will wait and listen for the Lord. And I will be ready when the Lord calls on me…. Will you?
Jen and Sted Wolf
Isaiah 30:15–18
In this first verse we thought of Ash Wednesday and the service at St. James, when we reflect on our sins and ask the Lord for forgiveness. We return to Him all year long, but especially on that night when the church is so somber and we are in deep repentance.
In verses 16 and 17, the people of Israel are fleeing, running from the enemy, and not waiting on the Lord. How easy it is to run from the things that bother us most? We all run from something! In verse 18 the Lord asks us to wait for Him. We still run though, running is easier than waiting. We need to learn to wait for the Lord just as He waits for us.
God is unselfish, not only waiting for us to call on Him, but listening when we do. He loves our praises, thanksgivings, and especially our cries for help, but a relationship with God is not one sided. Just as we converse with our friends, it wouldn’t be a conversation if one person spoke. In waiting we can listen and by listening our relationship with God is made stronger. This Lenten season I will wait and listen for the Lord. And I will be ready when the Lord calls on me…. Will you?
Jen and Sted Wolf
Friday, March 25, 2011
Lenten Reflection - March 25, 2011
To whom then will you compare me, or who is my equal? says the Holy One. Lift up your eyes on high and see: Who created these? He who brings out their host and numbers them, calling them all by name; because he is great in strength, mighty in power, not one is missing. Why do you say, O Jacob, and speak, O Israel, 'My way is hidden from the Lord, and my right is disregarded by my God'? Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the faint, and strengthens the powerless. Even youths will faint and be weary, and the young will fall exhausted; but those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.
Isaiah 40:25–31
Who is at the center of all but you, my God? Help me to recall your will for me. Help me to live for others as you would have me do. Help me to cherish my own household and my community. I walk before you with gratitude and humility. Lord, give me the strength to live rightly! Amen.
John Huntington+
Isaiah 40:25–31
Who is at the center of all but you, my God? Help me to recall your will for me. Help me to live for others as you would have me do. Help me to cherish my own household and my community. I walk before you with gratitude and humility. Lord, give me the strength to live rightly! Amen.
John Huntington+
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Lenten Reflection - March 24, 2011
And on the seventh day God finished the work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all the work that he had done. So God blessed the seventh day and hallowed it, because on it God rested from all the work that he had done in creation.
Genesis 2:1–3
Several years ago when I attended the Adult Journey class, the topic of discussion was, “What do you do on Sunday?” I responded that I tried not to do anything work-related so that I could honor the Sabbath. A classmate threw out that perhaps I was just lazy. As this was someone that I admired, it stung.
The conversation went on with my sharing that growing up my mother insisted that we only do what was necessary, such as, preparing meals and cleaning up afterwards. Mom explained to me very early on that God created the whole world in six days and that we should be able to do what was needed in six days as well. Sunday was the day for church, visiting my grandmother, quiet family activities at home, or visiting a museum to see wondrous things. I followed that well into my early 20’s.
At that point I became a working mom that worked all the overtime I could get. Sundays then became the day to catch up on what I didn’t get done or hadn’t finished. It always felt wrong, but what was I to do?
It was when I had our three younger children that I realized that I needed to get back to what God wanted us to do. He blessed the seventh day and hallowed it. The fourth of the Ten Commandments calls for us to "Remember the Sabbath Day by keeping it Holy". Sounds good to me, how about you?
Sharon L. B. McGlaughlin
Genesis 2:1–3
Several years ago when I attended the Adult Journey class, the topic of discussion was, “What do you do on Sunday?” I responded that I tried not to do anything work-related so that I could honor the Sabbath. A classmate threw out that perhaps I was just lazy. As this was someone that I admired, it stung.
The conversation went on with my sharing that growing up my mother insisted that we only do what was necessary, such as, preparing meals and cleaning up afterwards. Mom explained to me very early on that God created the whole world in six days and that we should be able to do what was needed in six days as well. Sunday was the day for church, visiting my grandmother, quiet family activities at home, or visiting a museum to see wondrous things. I followed that well into my early 20’s.
At that point I became a working mom that worked all the overtime I could get. Sundays then became the day to catch up on what I didn’t get done or hadn’t finished. It always felt wrong, but what was I to do?
It was when I had our three younger children that I realized that I needed to get back to what God wanted us to do. He blessed the seventh day and hallowed it. The fourth of the Ten Commandments calls for us to "Remember the Sabbath Day by keeping it Holy". Sounds good to me, how about you?
Sharon L. B. McGlaughlin
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Lenten Reflection - March 23, 2011
Hearken unto this, O Job: stand still and consider the wondrous works of God. (KJV)
Job 37:1–18
These are the angry words of young Elihu, son of Barachel the Buzite, of the family of Ram, dismissing the argument of Job’s other friends (that Job’s miseries were a result of sinning against God), as well as that of Job himself (that he was righteous, and not deserving of his punishment). With some pomposity Elihu justifies a powerful God who punishes the wicked and ‘opens the ear” of the righteous by adversity. His rather lengthy argument is immediately followed by the Lord answering Job out of the whirlwind (Job 38:1-3):
Judy Huntington
Job 37:1–18
These are the angry words of young Elihu, son of Barachel the Buzite, of the family of Ram, dismissing the argument of Job’s other friends (that Job’s miseries were a result of sinning against God), as well as that of Job himself (that he was righteous, and not deserving of his punishment). With some pomposity Elihu justifies a powerful God who punishes the wicked and ‘opens the ear” of the righteous by adversity. His rather lengthy argument is immediately followed by the Lord answering Job out of the whirlwind (Job 38:1-3):
- Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said,
- Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge?
- Gird up now thy loins like a man; for I will demand of thee, and answer thou me.
- Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding.
Judy Huntington
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Lenten Reflection - March 22, 2011
"So I say to you, ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you. For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches finds, and for everyone who knocks, the door will be opened."
Luke 11:9–13
Luke 11:9-13 is a passage everyone can relate to, not only on one occasion, but several times a week if not every day. I think of all the times I have needed help in my life and was not bold enough to ask for it. And all of the times I have forgone asking the question in fear of being rejected or a bother. I am also one who sometimes keeps his eyes down, therefore not searching to find the answers to the tough questions. I’m not saying this is a bad thing, for it could be abrasive if everyone were to have their boldness trait turned on at all times—but to have the courage or the confidence to knock, ask or to search when something important is needed, would be something, I would think, everyone would want.
"So I say to you, ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be open for you. For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches finds, and for everyone who knocks, the door will be opened."
Trevor Perkins
Luke 11:9–13
Luke 11:9-13 is a passage everyone can relate to, not only on one occasion, but several times a week if not every day. I think of all the times I have needed help in my life and was not bold enough to ask for it. And all of the times I have forgone asking the question in fear of being rejected or a bother. I am also one who sometimes keeps his eyes down, therefore not searching to find the answers to the tough questions. I’m not saying this is a bad thing, for it could be abrasive if everyone were to have their boldness trait turned on at all times—but to have the courage or the confidence to knock, ask or to search when something important is needed, would be something, I would think, everyone would want.
"So I say to you, ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be open for you. For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches finds, and for everyone who knocks, the door will be opened."
Trevor Perkins
Monday, March 21, 2011
Lenten Reflection - March 21, 2011
Incline your ear, and come to me; listen, so that you may live. I will make with you an everlasting covenant, my steadfast, sure love…
Isaiah 55
This particular verse in Isaiah speaks incredible words of hope to a hurt and frightened people. The people of Judah and Jerusalem have been in exile for 40 years. The Babylonians had been violently removed from their homeland, leaving them wandering in the wilderness. In this verse the prophet brings a word of hope of return. Earlier the prophet tried to convince the people that God was powerful enough to save, and had the will to do it. At the end of his message he again returns to the themes of human frailty and the utter reliability of God’s word.
We've all experienced times in the wilderness where our humanness shines through. I've learned something about human frailty this past year. After experiencing a heart attack a year ago today, I have gained a deeper appreciation for the message behind the verse, "listen, so that you may live." Life wasn't easy for the Israelites thousands of years ago and truth is life isn't getting any easier for many folks today. Yet, the truth remains that God has made an everlasting covenant with us. His love endures forever and His Word gives true life. My prayer for each one of us is that we can all find hope in the promises made by our loving and gracious God. That we would be reminded that Christ shared our humanity with us so that we wouldn't have to walk this journey alone. And that our spirits would be overflowing from the life that springs forth from his word. Just listen….
Amanda Knouse +
Isaiah 55
This particular verse in Isaiah speaks incredible words of hope to a hurt and frightened people. The people of Judah and Jerusalem have been in exile for 40 years. The Babylonians had been violently removed from their homeland, leaving them wandering in the wilderness. In this verse the prophet brings a word of hope of return. Earlier the prophet tried to convince the people that God was powerful enough to save, and had the will to do it. At the end of his message he again returns to the themes of human frailty and the utter reliability of God’s word.
We've all experienced times in the wilderness where our humanness shines through. I've learned something about human frailty this past year. After experiencing a heart attack a year ago today, I have gained a deeper appreciation for the message behind the verse, "listen, so that you may live." Life wasn't easy for the Israelites thousands of years ago and truth is life isn't getting any easier for many folks today. Yet, the truth remains that God has made an everlasting covenant with us. His love endures forever and His Word gives true life. My prayer for each one of us is that we can all find hope in the promises made by our loving and gracious God. That we would be reminded that Christ shared our humanity with us so that we wouldn't have to walk this journey alone. And that our spirits would be overflowing from the life that springs forth from his word. Just listen….
Amanda Knouse +
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Lenten Reflection - March 20, 2011 The Second Sunday of Lent
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. (KJV)
Psalm 46:1
"God is our refuge and strength." Notice that the Psalm doesn't mention soldiers, fortresses, or guns. God is the strength that gives us courage of character and courage of heart that enables us to overcome the forces of evil, temptation, and sin that attack us from every side. God keeps us in better shape that an enormous army ever could. With God beside us in moral battle, we don’t need tanks, bombs, and bazookas. We need only our Lord standing there with us.
The refuge that God gives to us is protection for our immortal souls. We are sheltered in God's warm, loving embrace that shields from the best efforts of Satan and his minions. We receive the grace to understand how to repel the arguments of our tempters. We have the strength and knowledge to see through empty promises and meaningless, transitory pleasures.
Remember how God stood by his humans in Biblical times. God was with the Israelites as they escaped from Egypt and set out on their trek to the promised land. God was with Noah and his family as they endured innumerable hardships while riding the waters of the flood.
Remember that God is with us in the twenty-first century just as God was with those who went before us.
Keep in mind the words of Paul in his letter to the Romans: "If God is for us, who is against us?" The answer can only be, "No one!"
Bob McCoy+
Psalm 46:1
"God is our refuge and strength." Notice that the Psalm doesn't mention soldiers, fortresses, or guns. God is the strength that gives us courage of character and courage of heart that enables us to overcome the forces of evil, temptation, and sin that attack us from every side. God keeps us in better shape that an enormous army ever could. With God beside us in moral battle, we don’t need tanks, bombs, and bazookas. We need only our Lord standing there with us.
The refuge that God gives to us is protection for our immortal souls. We are sheltered in God's warm, loving embrace that shields from the best efforts of Satan and his minions. We receive the grace to understand how to repel the arguments of our tempters. We have the strength and knowledge to see through empty promises and meaningless, transitory pleasures.
Remember how God stood by his humans in Biblical times. God was with the Israelites as they escaped from Egypt and set out on their trek to the promised land. God was with Noah and his family as they endured innumerable hardships while riding the waters of the flood.
Remember that God is with us in the twenty-first century just as God was with those who went before us.
Keep in mind the words of Paul in his letter to the Romans: "If God is for us, who is against us?" The answer can only be, "No one!"
Bob McCoy+
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Lenten Reflection - March 19, 2011
Again I saw that under the sun the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor bread to the wise, nor riches to the intelligent, nor favor to the skillful; but time and chance happen to them all.
Ecclesiastes 9:7–18
In today’s society, at first glance, this particular piece of scripture would seem wrong to most. So often the race is in fact won by the swift, and we see time and time again the battles around the world won by the strongest nations, and so forth. So, if this verse were talking literally about our society, there’s no doubt it would be hard to believe, if not almost impossible, because that’s not typically how things work. On the other hand, if you look Biblically into this verse you can become engulfed in the fact that when we’re on God’s playing, or even battle field, it’s an entirely different set of rules. That may be hard to believe, but true, and those who are at the top, those who constantly win don’t trump anymore, because in the sight of the Lord, we are all equals. This verse states countless ways we are placed on a level playing field, and verifies this sense of equality in us all, which as a Christian is an important reminder, and we must not forget this. In closing it is important to remember even though we might not be the best at something, especially in our secular society, it is important to try, because time and chance do happen to us all.
John Knouse
Ecclesiastes 9:7–18
In today’s society, at first glance, this particular piece of scripture would seem wrong to most. So often the race is in fact won by the swift, and we see time and time again the battles around the world won by the strongest nations, and so forth. So, if this verse were talking literally about our society, there’s no doubt it would be hard to believe, if not almost impossible, because that’s not typically how things work. On the other hand, if you look Biblically into this verse you can become engulfed in the fact that when we’re on God’s playing, or even battle field, it’s an entirely different set of rules. That may be hard to believe, but true, and those who are at the top, those who constantly win don’t trump anymore, because in the sight of the Lord, we are all equals. This verse states countless ways we are placed on a level playing field, and verifies this sense of equality in us all, which as a Christian is an important reminder, and we must not forget this. In closing it is important to remember even though we might not be the best at something, especially in our secular society, it is important to try, because time and chance do happen to us all.
John Knouse
Friday, March 18, 2011
Lenten Reflection - March 18, 2011
"For my sighing comes like my bread, and my groanings are poured out like water. Truly the thing that I fear comes upon me, and what I dread befalls me. I am not at ease, nor am I quiet; I have no rest; but trouble comes."
Job 3:20–4:6
The key question to the entire book of Job is why do good men suffer bad things or why is there suffering in the world. In this particular passage Job is lamenting his condition.
But throughout all his suffering, Job never questions God's existence.
How many times when we are suffering have we asked: Is God punishing me? Is God mad at me? Why doesn't he explain what He is doing? How many times do we hear of terrible natural disasters: earthquakes, floods, tornadoes or great suffering at the hands of others - mass shootings, war, terrorism? Do we ask why God lets these events happen? There is no short simple answer to these questions. They can only be answered through reasoning contemplation and prayer. And just like Job, we never question God's existence.
Also, when we reflect on our pain we can go one of two ways. We can keep distressing over and over again, or we can reflect on our pain, our loss and reorient our thinking and pose new questions to ourselves, others and God.
When we suffer, our situation may seem similar to Job's. We may not see the Light at the end of the tunnel. But there is always hope with God.
Job 3:20–4:6
The key question to the entire book of Job is why do good men suffer bad things or why is there suffering in the world. In this particular passage Job is lamenting his condition.
- Job hasn’t the strength to eat. It is a monumental effort to get bread, eat, chew and swallow.
- Job’s groans come out easily and he does not try to suppress them.
- Job fears that his current condition will never end.
- Job can only see trouble, he cannot see the light.
But throughout all his suffering, Job never questions God's existence.
How many times when we are suffering have we asked: Is God punishing me? Is God mad at me? Why doesn't he explain what He is doing? How many times do we hear of terrible natural disasters: earthquakes, floods, tornadoes or great suffering at the hands of others - mass shootings, war, terrorism? Do we ask why God lets these events happen? There is no short simple answer to these questions. They can only be answered through reasoning contemplation and prayer. And just like Job, we never question God's existence.
Also, when we reflect on our pain we can go one of two ways. We can keep distressing over and over again, or we can reflect on our pain, our loss and reorient our thinking and pose new questions to ourselves, others and God.
When we suffer, our situation may seem similar to Job's. We may not see the Light at the end of the tunnel. But there is always hope with God.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Lenten Reflection - March 17, 2011
Then Jesus, filled with the power of the Spirit, returned to Galilee, and a report about him spread through all the surrounding country. He began to teach in their synagogues and was praised by everyone.
Luke 4:1–15
When we read about Jesus being tempted in the desert, we realize how very weak we are. Each day we are faced with simple tests of our faith and we continually fail them. Jesus has no problems standing firm in His convictions; He resists Satan and uses the Scripture to back up His resistance. Jesus is the perfect role model for us when it comes to testing our faith.
How is it that we can seldom say no and resist the temptations of this world? Here, where overindulgences are abundant, supporting the economy is encouraged, and justification for our behavior is continual, we struggle to hear God‘s voice with our daily choices. We feel like we have to keep up with society, at whatever costs. We can‘t control society, but we can with God‘s help, control our own actions. Instead of justifying our bad choices, why can‘t we use our favorite scriptures to help us stand firm in our weakest moments, the way Jesus did.
YAC Class (12th grade)
Luke 4:1–15
When we read about Jesus being tempted in the desert, we realize how very weak we are. Each day we are faced with simple tests of our faith and we continually fail them. Jesus has no problems standing firm in His convictions; He resists Satan and uses the Scripture to back up His resistance. Jesus is the perfect role model for us when it comes to testing our faith.
How is it that we can seldom say no and resist the temptations of this world? Here, where overindulgences are abundant, supporting the economy is encouraged, and justification for our behavior is continual, we struggle to hear God‘s voice with our daily choices. We feel like we have to keep up with society, at whatever costs. We can‘t control society, but we can with God‘s help, control our own actions. Instead of justifying our bad choices, why can‘t we use our favorite scriptures to help us stand firm in our weakest moments, the way Jesus did.
YAC Class (12th grade)
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Lenten Reflection - March 16, 2011
And the Spirit immediately drove him out into the wilderness. He was in the wilderness forty days, tempted by Satan; and he was with the wild beasts; and the angels waited on him
Mark 1:9–13
How many small Bible stories mirror life, our lives? Writ large or small, cannot we see the larger themes that affect us?
Jesus, "born again" in his baptism by John the Baptist, now truly begins his life. Our lives take us away from those who know us (John), and we move into the greater world (the wilderness). Forty days, forty years—a lifetime. While we are there, being alive, are we not tempted, are we not surrounded by wild beasts who are likely to harm us? (It's all relative, the beasts in your circles may be perhaps less ravenous than the ones in mine, but they'll eat you up all the same).
But, wait. There's hope. In our time in the wilderness, we have those who minister to us, our own angels. Perhaps they‘re in the guise of family, of friends, of total strangers who pass through our lives, seen once and never again. And we have Christ, who ministers to us; so that we might come through our time in the wilderness, and come safe from out of the wilderness.
Christ doesn't come out of the wilderness all dressed up in rich robes, leading an army to seize a kingdom, trumpets blaring. No. He comes out, probably looking a little worse for wear, but looking pretty much as he went in. As do we, who end our lives taking none of our trappings with us, but having God minister to us at the end.
Beverly Fahlstrom
Mark 1:9–13
How many small Bible stories mirror life, our lives? Writ large or small, cannot we see the larger themes that affect us?
Jesus, "born again" in his baptism by John the Baptist, now truly begins his life. Our lives take us away from those who know us (John), and we move into the greater world (the wilderness). Forty days, forty years—a lifetime. While we are there, being alive, are we not tempted, are we not surrounded by wild beasts who are likely to harm us? (It's all relative, the beasts in your circles may be perhaps less ravenous than the ones in mine, but they'll eat you up all the same).
But, wait. There's hope. In our time in the wilderness, we have those who minister to us, our own angels. Perhaps they‘re in the guise of family, of friends, of total strangers who pass through our lives, seen once and never again. And we have Christ, who ministers to us; so that we might come through our time in the wilderness, and come safe from out of the wilderness.
Christ doesn't come out of the wilderness all dressed up in rich robes, leading an army to seize a kingdom, trumpets blaring. No. He comes out, probably looking a little worse for wear, but looking pretty much as he went in. As do we, who end our lives taking none of our trappings with us, but having God minister to us at the end.
Beverly Fahlstrom
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Lenten Reflection - March 15, 2011
"Be still, and know that I am God! I am exalted among the nations, I am exalted in the earth." The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge.
Psalm 46
One of the things I find myself saying lately is "Why am I surprised at God's providence, grace, and faithfulness"? When life deals lemons, with God‘s help they turn to lemonade. Each time this happens, I immediately thank the Lord for helping me find the light in the situation, but I remain surprised. Why do I continually think of God‘s providence as an accident or a coincidence? As my Lord and Savior, it should be no surprise that God‘s presence in my life is continual and "his mercies endure forever."
Psalm 46 is a comfort. It encourages us to have hope in the Lord. In difficult times, we can "find refuge and strength" in God. Psalm 46 proudly promises that the Lord is with us and the God of Jacob is our refuge. Similarly, in Genesis 28, God promised Jacob that he will watch over him wherever he may go, and that God will keep his promises. This same God keeps watch over us; He cares for us, protects us, and sustains us. In this Lenten season, let us not be surprised at God‘s providence, but find comfort and security in His promises.
Allison Parker
This passage says to us that God is all powerful. We can go to him for comfort and help no matter what the situation. Our God is all powerful and reigns over everything including His people. This idea helps me to feel safe and secure. To know that my God is our refuge helps calm any doubt or fear we may have.
We feel safe because we know that there is someone greater than we that is protecting us and watching over us. This is shown by everyday experiences such as when God protects us from wrong choices and instead leads us down the right path. It's also humbling to think that there is something greater than all of us.
Max Spiers and Alyssa Day
Psalm 46
One of the things I find myself saying lately is "Why am I surprised at God's providence, grace, and faithfulness"? When life deals lemons, with God‘s help they turn to lemonade. Each time this happens, I immediately thank the Lord for helping me find the light in the situation, but I remain surprised. Why do I continually think of God‘s providence as an accident or a coincidence? As my Lord and Savior, it should be no surprise that God‘s presence in my life is continual and "his mercies endure forever."
Psalm 46 is a comfort. It encourages us to have hope in the Lord. In difficult times, we can "find refuge and strength" in God. Psalm 46 proudly promises that the Lord is with us and the God of Jacob is our refuge. Similarly, in Genesis 28, God promised Jacob that he will watch over him wherever he may go, and that God will keep his promises. This same God keeps watch over us; He cares for us, protects us, and sustains us. In this Lenten season, let us not be surprised at God‘s providence, but find comfort and security in His promises.
Allison Parker
This passage says to us that God is all powerful. We can go to him for comfort and help no matter what the situation. Our God is all powerful and reigns over everything including His people. This idea helps me to feel safe and secure. To know that my God is our refuge helps calm any doubt or fear we may have.
We feel safe because we know that there is someone greater than we that is protecting us and watching over us. This is shown by everyday experiences such as when God protects us from wrong choices and instead leads us down the right path. It's also humbling to think that there is something greater than all of us.
Max Spiers and Alyssa Day
Monday, March 14, 2011
Lenten Reflection - March 14, 2011
Where could I go to escape from your Spirit or from your sight? If I were to climb up to the highest heavens, you would be there. If I were to dig down to the world of the dead you would also be there…Or suppose I said, "I'll hide in the dark until night comes to cover me over." But you see in the dark because daylight and dark are all the same to you. (CEV)
Psalm 139:1–12
It is an extreme comfort to me, as I am reminded in this passage, that regardless of what I may be going through, I am always in the grasp of our loving Lord. As a child is afraid to take that first journey across a sidewalk without the security of training wheels, they do so anyhow knowing that they have the promise of their parents that they will be there in the event they lose balance. So we should remember without a doubt that when we step out beyond our safe footing in our journey that our Father will be there to catch us.
We must remember that our Lord is not only with us in troubled times but also with us in times of victory and celebration so we should never fall short in praising our Lord both in good times and bad.
In these uncertain and worrisome times, both in our nation and around the world, we should not forget that the Lord will help us if we so desire. Knowing this, we should approach these challenges the very way the Lord would have us do with peace, love, trust, and fairness, especially to those in need.
In closing, I can’t help but to wonder, with the assurance that our Lord is always with us, why then is it sometimes so hard to reach out to those less fortunate? Remember, we are to be the tools our Lord uses in spreading His love, concern, and PROTECTION.
Steven E. Dorsey
Psalm 139:1–12
It is an extreme comfort to me, as I am reminded in this passage, that regardless of what I may be going through, I am always in the grasp of our loving Lord. As a child is afraid to take that first journey across a sidewalk without the security of training wheels, they do so anyhow knowing that they have the promise of their parents that they will be there in the event they lose balance. So we should remember without a doubt that when we step out beyond our safe footing in our journey that our Father will be there to catch us.
We must remember that our Lord is not only with us in troubled times but also with us in times of victory and celebration so we should never fall short in praising our Lord both in good times and bad.
In these uncertain and worrisome times, both in our nation and around the world, we should not forget that the Lord will help us if we so desire. Knowing this, we should approach these challenges the very way the Lord would have us do with peace, love, trust, and fairness, especially to those in need.
In closing, I can’t help but to wonder, with the assurance that our Lord is always with us, why then is it sometimes so hard to reach out to those less fortunate? Remember, we are to be the tools our Lord uses in spreading His love, concern, and PROTECTION.
Steven E. Dorsey
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Lenten Reflection - March 13, 2011 The First Sunday of Lent
Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.
Matthew 18:19
Ah. The power of prayer! My first thoughts when I see this verse are of our St. James' Prayer Chain, the list of people in need on our prayer, and our own daily supplications.
How many times has someone whose name was on the prayer list, or their friend or relative, thanked the congregation for their prayers with the acknowledgement that "your prayers worked"? My own experience with "2 or more" praying for me was 22 years ago during a serious medical experience. When a friend told me that she had put my name on her church’s prayer list, I was quite taken aback. I wasn't familiar with prayer chains, and she told me of this passage from Matthew and also the one from I John 5:14, "If we ask anything according to His will, He hears us." It gave me such a positive image, that I was certain I would be healed if it was His will.
Does it mean we can ask for absolutely anything in prayer, like winning the lottery for example, and it will be granted to us? Hardly! We can only ask for what Christ Himself would ask. Sometimes our prayers are not answered the way we would have wished. We cannot dictate to God and must be willing to accept his wisdom. Real prayer is communion with God. What we need is for Him to fill our hearts and minds with His thoughts so that His desires will become our desires and be reflected back to Him in our prayers, whether it is just you, or 2 or more.
Peggy Horn
Matthew 18:19
Ah. The power of prayer! My first thoughts when I see this verse are of our St. James' Prayer Chain, the list of people in need on our prayer, and our own daily supplications.
How many times has someone whose name was on the prayer list, or their friend or relative, thanked the congregation for their prayers with the acknowledgement that "your prayers worked"? My own experience with "2 or more" praying for me was 22 years ago during a serious medical experience. When a friend told me that she had put my name on her church’s prayer list, I was quite taken aback. I wasn't familiar with prayer chains, and she told me of this passage from Matthew and also the one from I John 5:14, "If we ask anything according to His will, He hears us." It gave me such a positive image, that I was certain I would be healed if it was His will.
Does it mean we can ask for absolutely anything in prayer, like winning the lottery for example, and it will be granted to us? Hardly! We can only ask for what Christ Himself would ask. Sometimes our prayers are not answered the way we would have wished. We cannot dictate to God and must be willing to accept his wisdom. Real prayer is communion with God. What we need is for Him to fill our hearts and minds with His thoughts so that His desires will become our desires and be reflected back to Him in our prayers, whether it is just you, or 2 or more.
Peggy Horn
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Lenten Reflection - March 12, 2011
Use your heads as you live and work among outsiders. Don't miss a trick. Make the most of every opportunity. Be gracious in your speech. The goal is to bring out the best in others in a conversation, not put them down, not cut them out. (The Message)
Colossians 4:2–6
This passage is an encouragement to pray and be ready for opportunities that arise for us to share Christ and His love with others, often found under a heading aptly referring to "Christian Graces."
It is useful to understand the context, as the preceding portion of Colossians is labeled in most Bibles as "Rules" or "Guidelines" of a Christian Home. It speaks about how we should relate to others in a variety of relationships: husbands and wives, parents and children, employees and employers.
Then this particular passage moves on to how we interact with others – in some translations it says “outsiders.” This may be a casual acquaintance or a stranger. We are to be prayerfully ready to make the most of every opportunity to serve Christ in the people we encounter on a daily basis. We need to be equipped with speech filled with grace, which is not always easy in this hectic life. How many times have we said, "I should have said this." or "I should have done that"? In other Bible translations, the passage emphasizes "continuing in prayer" in order to have the wisdom to "know how to answer each one."
Perhaps during Lent we can all take extra time to pray and be aware of the opportunities God is giving us to be like Christ to the people He puts in our path. Also remember, it’s up to us to take action and carry out what He is inspiring us to do. The ball is in our court, what will we do with it?
Laura Miller
Colossians 4:2–6
This passage is an encouragement to pray and be ready for opportunities that arise for us to share Christ and His love with others, often found under a heading aptly referring to "Christian Graces."
It is useful to understand the context, as the preceding portion of Colossians is labeled in most Bibles as "Rules" or "Guidelines" of a Christian Home. It speaks about how we should relate to others in a variety of relationships: husbands and wives, parents and children, employees and employers.
Then this particular passage moves on to how we interact with others – in some translations it says “outsiders.” This may be a casual acquaintance or a stranger. We are to be prayerfully ready to make the most of every opportunity to serve Christ in the people we encounter on a daily basis. We need to be equipped with speech filled with grace, which is not always easy in this hectic life. How many times have we said, "I should have said this." or "I should have done that"? In other Bible translations, the passage emphasizes "continuing in prayer" in order to have the wisdom to "know how to answer each one."
Perhaps during Lent we can all take extra time to pray and be aware of the opportunities God is giving us to be like Christ to the people He puts in our path. Also remember, it’s up to us to take action and carry out what He is inspiring us to do. The ball is in our court, what will we do with it?
Laura Miller
Friday, March 11, 2011
Lenten Reflection - March 11, 2011
Then he said to them all, "If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me."
Luke 9:23–25
This passage occurs after Jesus has fed the multitudes with five loaves and two fishes—He is praying and tells His disciples what is to befall Him: His trial, crucifixion, and resurrection from the dead. This verse is deceptively simple: If you wish to follow me, you must let go of selfishness, pick up your cross, and come with me. He then presents the Apostles with a paradox: in order to save your life, you must lose it. Those who put worldly things in front of heavenly things will find, in the end, they have lost everything, while those who renounce the world and give their life to Christ will be rewarded with everlasting life. The message is plain, straightforward, and easily understood. We know what we are called to do and what we must do -- but so often we forget or ignore this fundamental charge of Christianity. Perhaps, in this penitential season of Lent, we can, with the aid of prayer and reflection, strive to pick up the cross that Jesus asks us to bear.
Diana Doswell
Luke 9:23–25
This passage occurs after Jesus has fed the multitudes with five loaves and two fishes—He is praying and tells His disciples what is to befall Him: His trial, crucifixion, and resurrection from the dead. This verse is deceptively simple: If you wish to follow me, you must let go of selfishness, pick up your cross, and come with me. He then presents the Apostles with a paradox: in order to save your life, you must lose it. Those who put worldly things in front of heavenly things will find, in the end, they have lost everything, while those who renounce the world and give their life to Christ will be rewarded with everlasting life. The message is plain, straightforward, and easily understood. We know what we are called to do and what we must do -- but so often we forget or ignore this fundamental charge of Christianity. Perhaps, in this penitential season of Lent, we can, with the aid of prayer and reflection, strive to pick up the cross that Jesus asks us to bear.
Diana Doswell
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Lenten Reflection - March 10, 2011
Do you see what this means - all these pioneers who blazed the way, all these veterans cheering us on? It means we’d better get on with it. Strip down…and never quit! No extra spiritual fat, no parasitic sins. Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we’re in. Study how he did it. Because he never lost sight of where he was headed—that exhilarating finish in and with God—he could put up with anything along the way: cross, shame, whatever. And now he’s there, in the place of honor, right alongside God. (The Message)
Hebrews 12:1–2
After reading the assigned passage, the children of Atrium III wanted to see how it was written in the Bible that we use in class. The following was what they decided was the passage’s message:
From the students of Atrium III (grades 4-6)
Hebrews 12:1–2
After reading the assigned passage, the children of Atrium III wanted to see how it was written in the Bible that we use in class. The following was what they decided was the passage’s message:
- To follow Jesus you have to leave everything behind that gets in the way, including sin.
- If you focus on sin, your race will be long and winding. If you focus on Jesus, your race will be smooth and easy.
- Endure the race. Get rid of things that slow us down like stress, excuses, blame and addictions.
- If you hold onto sin, then you can’t race the race of life.
- Focus on the prize – being closer to Jesus and looking to Heaven.
From the students of Atrium III (grades 4-6)
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Lenten Reflection - March 9, 2011 Ash Wednesday
Let the LORD lead you and trust the LORD to help. (CEV)
Psalm 37:3–7 (CEV)
Today, known as Ash Wednesday, begins the forty day (forty-six including Sundays) journey to the crucifixion. For the next forty days we will attempt to prepare our hearts and minds for the reality that faced our Lord and Savior two thousand years ago. For many of us the next 40 days can be painful, challenging, and at times overwhelming. And that’s ok because the next 40 days can also be life changing. The season of Lent allows us time to evaluate who we are, who God is, and who God is calling us to be in light of that relationship. Lent is an invitation to turn away from our sins, weaknesses, strengths, shortcomings towards God’s grace.
The psalm quoted above is an incredible reminder that the journey we are about to embark on has to be led by our Lord and Savior. When we trust the Lord to help, when we trust the Lord to lead us, then true repentance and true transformation can begin. Only God knows where we are heading in the next forty days. Trust in His love, His grace, and His direction. As ashes are imposed on your foreheads tonight as a sign of repentance, remember that we aren’t on this journey alone. Buckle up friends; we’re in for an incredible journey towards the cross.
Amanda Knouse+
Psalm 37:3–7 (CEV)
Today, known as Ash Wednesday, begins the forty day (forty-six including Sundays) journey to the crucifixion. For the next forty days we will attempt to prepare our hearts and minds for the reality that faced our Lord and Savior two thousand years ago. For many of us the next 40 days can be painful, challenging, and at times overwhelming. And that’s ok because the next 40 days can also be life changing. The season of Lent allows us time to evaluate who we are, who God is, and who God is calling us to be in light of that relationship. Lent is an invitation to turn away from our sins, weaknesses, strengths, shortcomings towards God’s grace.
The psalm quoted above is an incredible reminder that the journey we are about to embark on has to be led by our Lord and Savior. When we trust the Lord to help, when we trust the Lord to lead us, then true repentance and true transformation can begin. Only God knows where we are heading in the next forty days. Trust in His love, His grace, and His direction. As ashes are imposed on your foreheads tonight as a sign of repentance, remember that we aren’t on this journey alone. Buckle up friends; we’re in for an incredible journey towards the cross.
Amanda Knouse+
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