With what shall I come before the LORD, and bow myself before God on high? Shall I come before him with burnt offerings, with calves a year old? Will the LORD be pleased with thousands of rams, with ten thousands of rivers of oil? Shall I give my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?
He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?
Micah 6:3-8
Micah was a prophet in the 8th century B.C. He, as well as other prophets, was charged with keeping God before the people and listening for the voice of God. The Lord says, He has a case against the people of Israel. He wants to know what He has done that causes them to act the way they do. In this passage God is speaking to the people of Israel, reminding them of some of the things that He has done for them. These include bringing the people up from Egypt, sending Moses and Aaron and Miriam to lead them, etc. Man wants to know what should be done to make up for all the misdeeds. Should he come before the Lord with burnt offerings, ten thousand rivers of oil, thousands of rams, offer his firstborn for his transgressions, etc.
The Lord replies that man should "act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God." These three things cover the Ten Commandments, the Golden Rule, and the Sermon on the Mount.
Priscilla Hardesty (2011)
Monday, March 31, 2014
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Lenten Reflection - March 30, 2014 The Fourth Sunday of Lent
I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope...
Psalm 130:5
Waiting ... so very hard for most of us ... certainly for me! After all, taking control of our lives makes us actually believe that we can ensure our comfort and safety and even achieve our dreams and goals all on our own - such a false sense of security. We continue to feel unfilled, to anxiously search...
Maybe, at some point, we finally make the conscious decision to "let go and let God" ... or maybe we just finally stumble and fall, exhausted and hopeless, and experience God in all His wonder as He reaches down, picks us up, and "gifts" us with His Peace and Grace - despite ourselves, despite our plans to control, despite our lack of patience with Him or our failure to realize He was there all along just waiting for us to "settle down" and let Him get on with the business of working through us and our lives to His purpose.
It's just so easy to get caught up in the events of the "now" and forget all that. Yet each time I do, He patiently reminds me yet again that I can absolutely count on His guidance and forgiveness, and it becomes so much easier to put my hope in His word ... to wait patiently for forgiveness ... for guidance ... and, while waiting, take comfort in my "downtime" as He prepares me for the next exciting adventure!
Pamela Blyth (2009)
Psalm 130:5
Waiting ... so very hard for most of us ... certainly for me! After all, taking control of our lives makes us actually believe that we can ensure our comfort and safety and even achieve our dreams and goals all on our own - such a false sense of security. We continue to feel unfilled, to anxiously search...
Maybe, at some point, we finally make the conscious decision to "let go and let God" ... or maybe we just finally stumble and fall, exhausted and hopeless, and experience God in all His wonder as He reaches down, picks us up, and "gifts" us with His Peace and Grace - despite ourselves, despite our plans to control, despite our lack of patience with Him or our failure to realize He was there all along just waiting for us to "settle down" and let Him get on with the business of working through us and our lives to His purpose.
It's just so easy to get caught up in the events of the "now" and forget all that. Yet each time I do, He patiently reminds me yet again that I can absolutely count on His guidance and forgiveness, and it becomes so much easier to put my hope in His word ... to wait patiently for forgiveness ... for guidance ... and, while waiting, take comfort in my "downtime" as He prepares me for the next exciting adventure!
Pamela Blyth (2009)
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Lenten Reflection - March 29, 2014
For Jews demand signs and Greeks desire wisdom, but we proclaim Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles...
1 Corinthians 1:22-23
Paul first arrived in Corinth during his second missionary trip around AD 50. During his stay, the Jews took Paul to court for breaking the law. The governor threw the case out because it was a religious dispute. Paul was given freedom to evangelize and converted a number of people and began a Church before he left. This passage is taken from Paul's first letter to the church in Corinth.
The passage talks about Jews demanding a sign to validate the message and Greeks holding to their philosophical wisdom, while Christians continued to spread the Good News about Jesus Christ. What faith it must have taken for these Christians to go out and spread the Good News. There are many of us today who are not comfortable discussing our belief in Jesus Christ, yet these Christians risked their very lives spreading the Word. The early Christians dealt with Jews wanting miraculous signs and when they saw them for themselves some continued to doubt Jesus was the Son of God. In such a dark time, a place where talking person to person was the only way news was spread, it was truly a miracle that Christianity itself was founded. Even though we are true believers in our Lord Jesus Christ, many of us continue to search for a sign from God. I believe our search for a sign is not about Jesus' existence, but a search to help us find the right path to follow. We pray about issues, ask for guidance, ask for forgiveness, and give thanks. We must accept the fact that God is with us every day, helping us through the good and the bad. I believe sometimes we look back at a situation and find that God guided us, or "gave us a sign" of the path to follow. We must believe that with God all things will be done as he planned them.
There are many people in this world today who do not believe in God or any spiritual being. It is marvelous when someone recognizes the Glory of God for the first time, or when someone has their faith renewed. To be saved from our ignorance and recognize that Jesus Christ died and was resurrected for our sins is the core of our Christian belief. As we live we know that when we die we will be born again in him. Without this belief we are just existing day to day. We must hold firm to the belief that it is not what we acquire on this earth that matters, but how we treat each other and hold to the Christian way of life.
Gladys Wilson (2009)
1 Corinthians 1:22-23
Paul first arrived in Corinth during his second missionary trip around AD 50. During his stay, the Jews took Paul to court for breaking the law. The governor threw the case out because it was a religious dispute. Paul was given freedom to evangelize and converted a number of people and began a Church before he left. This passage is taken from Paul's first letter to the church in Corinth.
The passage talks about Jews demanding a sign to validate the message and Greeks holding to their philosophical wisdom, while Christians continued to spread the Good News about Jesus Christ. What faith it must have taken for these Christians to go out and spread the Good News. There are many of us today who are not comfortable discussing our belief in Jesus Christ, yet these Christians risked their very lives spreading the Word. The early Christians dealt with Jews wanting miraculous signs and when they saw them for themselves some continued to doubt Jesus was the Son of God. In such a dark time, a place where talking person to person was the only way news was spread, it was truly a miracle that Christianity itself was founded. Even though we are true believers in our Lord Jesus Christ, many of us continue to search for a sign from God. I believe our search for a sign is not about Jesus' existence, but a search to help us find the right path to follow. We pray about issues, ask for guidance, ask for forgiveness, and give thanks. We must accept the fact that God is with us every day, helping us through the good and the bad. I believe sometimes we look back at a situation and find that God guided us, or "gave us a sign" of the path to follow. We must believe that with God all things will be done as he planned them.
There are many people in this world today who do not believe in God or any spiritual being. It is marvelous when someone recognizes the Glory of God for the first time, or when someone has their faith renewed. To be saved from our ignorance and recognize that Jesus Christ died and was resurrected for our sins is the core of our Christian belief. As we live we know that when we die we will be born again in him. Without this belief we are just existing day to day. We must hold firm to the belief that it is not what we acquire on this earth that matters, but how we treat each other and hold to the Christian way of life.
Gladys Wilson (2009)
Friday, March 28, 2014
Lenten Reflection - March 28 , 2014
When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, "Son, your sins are forgiven."
Mark 2:1-12
Faith believes that something will occur when, so far, it has not. Personal faith is when you actually do something about that belief. You take action... you commit to that belief.
In this passage we see Jesus teaching in Capernaum to a packed audience. Thick crowds gathered on the news that Jesus had cast a demon out of a man in Capernaum and repeated that all through Galilee, just as Isaiah had prophesized. The town was buzzing.
Now a paraplegic carried by four men could not get in to see Jesus because of the crowd, so they lowered him on his stretcher through the roof. Jesus was impressed by their bold belief and healed him.
Do you think the four men and the paraplegic had good reason to commit themselves to the belief that Jesus would heal? I do. Look, they had all three ways we know something: objective evidence (they saw what others saw), subjective experience (they saw it themselves) and a consistent link with past records, in this case Isaiah's prophecy.
It is no different today. We come to believe something is true when we have all three elements. In 1967, at university in New Zealand, I came to belief because of the historical, eyewitness record of Jesus actions, particularly His resurrection; the "ring of truth" that I felt when I read the Gospel accounts; and the weight of logic that linked the two through Jewish history. This is why I have faith in God through Jesus Christ.
Dean Lewis (2008)
Mark 2:1-12
Faith believes that something will occur when, so far, it has not. Personal faith is when you actually do something about that belief. You take action... you commit to that belief.
In this passage we see Jesus teaching in Capernaum to a packed audience. Thick crowds gathered on the news that Jesus had cast a demon out of a man in Capernaum and repeated that all through Galilee, just as Isaiah had prophesized. The town was buzzing.
Now a paraplegic carried by four men could not get in to see Jesus because of the crowd, so they lowered him on his stretcher through the roof. Jesus was impressed by their bold belief and healed him.
Do you think the four men and the paraplegic had good reason to commit themselves to the belief that Jesus would heal? I do. Look, they had all three ways we know something: objective evidence (they saw what others saw), subjective experience (they saw it themselves) and a consistent link with past records, in this case Isaiah's prophecy.
It is no different today. We come to believe something is true when we have all three elements. In 1967, at university in New Zealand, I came to belief because of the historical, eyewitness record of Jesus actions, particularly His resurrection; the "ring of truth" that I felt when I read the Gospel accounts; and the weight of logic that linked the two through Jewish history. This is why I have faith in God through Jesus Christ.
Dean Lewis (2008)
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Lenten Reflection - March 27, 2014
What does the Lord require of you? Only to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all his ways, to love him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and to keep the commandments of the Lord your God and his decrees that I am commanding you today, for your own well-being.
Deuteronomy 10:12-13
This passage says it all, doesn't it? We are here to serve the Lord and do what He has told us to do. The stories in the Bible, Moses, Job, Jonah, Jacob... they are just window dressing. Those along with Jesus' parables are tales to help us discern the meaning of serving the Lord, loving the Lord and keeping His commandments. It is pretty clear when you look at it; if you get this then the rest is easy, or is it? It is pretty easy to "love the Lord" every day, we can pray and let Him know we are thinking about Him, we can tell Him how wonderful He is, we can ask for His guidance, help, whatever but then comes the "serving" part. How can I serve the Lord each day? Abraham, Moses, Peter, and all the saints set examples of how to serve the Lord. Some of those saints have done pretty marvelous things, maybe more than I can ever do. As I write this, the "new" year has just started and I am thinking of resolutions as many of us do at this time. How can I serve the Lord each day? How can we serve the Lord, for isn't that how we truly 'love' the Lord? (see also Matthew 22:37)
Taylor F. Milbradt (2010)
Deuteronomy 10:12-13
This passage says it all, doesn't it? We are here to serve the Lord and do what He has told us to do. The stories in the Bible, Moses, Job, Jonah, Jacob... they are just window dressing. Those along with Jesus' parables are tales to help us discern the meaning of serving the Lord, loving the Lord and keeping His commandments. It is pretty clear when you look at it; if you get this then the rest is easy, or is it? It is pretty easy to "love the Lord" every day, we can pray and let Him know we are thinking about Him, we can tell Him how wonderful He is, we can ask for His guidance, help, whatever but then comes the "serving" part. How can I serve the Lord each day? Abraham, Moses, Peter, and all the saints set examples of how to serve the Lord. Some of those saints have done pretty marvelous things, maybe more than I can ever do. As I write this, the "new" year has just started and I am thinking of resolutions as many of us do at this time. How can I serve the Lord each day? How can we serve the Lord, for isn't that how we truly 'love' the Lord? (see also Matthew 22:37)
Taylor F. Milbradt (2010)
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Lenten Reflection - March 26, 2014
So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.
Matthew 7:12
Of course, if we don't know that this passage is from Matthew, we know it as The Golden Rule. This passage sounds fair and not too onerous (unlike some of the other suggestions in the Bible). The Golden Rule, often called the "ethic of reciprocity" is found in something like 23 world religions. Why is this ideal of treating each other equally so important that it resonates in almost every philosophical system, not just Christianity? And with its far reach, how come we don't exactly always abide by this ethic of reciprocity?
This tiny passage concludes the Sermon on the Mount wherein Jesus recites the 8 Beatitudes. We're pretty familiar with them, too—blessed are the poor, blessed are those who mourn, blessed are the meek, blessed are those who hunger for righteousness, blessed are the merciful, blessed are the pure of heart, blessed are the peacemakers, and blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness. St. Augustine called the Beatitudes the ideal for every Christian life! The Beatitudes, unlike the 10 Commandments, are very positive and encouraging. They are not trip stones, waiting for us to mess up. They are gentle reminders that the Kingdom of God is within our reach, if only...
It's the "if only" part that gives us trouble, maybe particularly as Americans who pretty much try to run from poverty, grief, meekness, hunger, etc. You get my point. Our secular socialization runs pretty much against the Beatitudes, and the Golden Rule. It's really hard, at least it is for me, to embrace ideals I have been consciously and subconsciously acculturated against.
But, the Golden Rule and the Beatitudes are good reminders why we are Christians and why we make conscious decisions to go against the grain every now and then to do what's right.
JoEllen Kelly (2009)
Matthew 7:12
Of course, if we don't know that this passage is from Matthew, we know it as The Golden Rule. This passage sounds fair and not too onerous (unlike some of the other suggestions in the Bible). The Golden Rule, often called the "ethic of reciprocity" is found in something like 23 world religions. Why is this ideal of treating each other equally so important that it resonates in almost every philosophical system, not just Christianity? And with its far reach, how come we don't exactly always abide by this ethic of reciprocity?
This tiny passage concludes the Sermon on the Mount wherein Jesus recites the 8 Beatitudes. We're pretty familiar with them, too—blessed are the poor, blessed are those who mourn, blessed are the meek, blessed are those who hunger for righteousness, blessed are the merciful, blessed are the pure of heart, blessed are the peacemakers, and blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness. St. Augustine called the Beatitudes the ideal for every Christian life! The Beatitudes, unlike the 10 Commandments, are very positive and encouraging. They are not trip stones, waiting for us to mess up. They are gentle reminders that the Kingdom of God is within our reach, if only...
It's the "if only" part that gives us trouble, maybe particularly as Americans who pretty much try to run from poverty, grief, meekness, hunger, etc. You get my point. Our secular socialization runs pretty much against the Beatitudes, and the Golden Rule. It's really hard, at least it is for me, to embrace ideals I have been consciously and subconsciously acculturated against.
But, the Golden Rule and the Beatitudes are good reminders why we are Christians and why we make conscious decisions to go against the grain every now and then to do what's right.
JoEllen Kelly (2009)
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Lenten Reflection - March 25, 2014
For thus said the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel: in returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in trust shall be your strength.
Isaiah 30:15-18
In this first verse we thought of Ash Wednesday and the service at St. James, when we reflect on our sins and ask the Lord for forgiveness. We return to Him all year long, but especially on that night when the church is so somber and we are in deep repentance.
In verses 16 and 17, the people of Israel are fleeing, running from the enemy, and not waiting on the Lord. How easy it is to run from the things that bother us most? We all run from something! In verse 18 the Lord asks us to wait for Him. We still run though, running is easier than waiting. We need to learn to wait for the Lord just as He waits for us.
God is unselfish, not only waiting for us to call on Him, but listening when we do. He loves our praises, thanksgivings, and especially our cries for help, but a relationship with God is not one sided. Just as we converse with our friends, it wouldn't be a conversation if one person spoke. In waiting we can listen and by listening our relationship with God is made stronger. This Lenten season I will wait and listen for the Lord. And I will be ready when the Lord calls on me... Will you?
Jen and Sted Wolf (2011)
Isaiah 30:15-18
In this first verse we thought of Ash Wednesday and the service at St. James, when we reflect on our sins and ask the Lord for forgiveness. We return to Him all year long, but especially on that night when the church is so somber and we are in deep repentance.
In verses 16 and 17, the people of Israel are fleeing, running from the enemy, and not waiting on the Lord. How easy it is to run from the things that bother us most? We all run from something! In verse 18 the Lord asks us to wait for Him. We still run though, running is easier than waiting. We need to learn to wait for the Lord just as He waits for us.
God is unselfish, not only waiting for us to call on Him, but listening when we do. He loves our praises, thanksgivings, and especially our cries for help, but a relationship with God is not one sided. Just as we converse with our friends, it wouldn't be a conversation if one person spoke. In waiting we can listen and by listening our relationship with God is made stronger. This Lenten season I will wait and listen for the Lord. And I will be ready when the Lord calls on me... Will you?
Jen and Sted Wolf (2011)
Monday, March 24, 2014
Lenten Reflection - March 24, 2014
The greatest among you will be your servant. All who exalt themselves will be humbled, and all who humble themselves will be exalted.
Matthew 23:11-12
How cool is this?!? "The greatest among [us] will be [my] servant"!! WOW! Imagine that! My chest puffs up, my head swells...my servant!!.. but wait..."All who exalt themselves will be humbled." Right. Check that. Slow down here. I'll just keep reading. "...all who humble themselves will be exalted." Great!! I'll be exalted!...wait a minute...let me read this again..."...all who humble themselves"..hmmm...I know about that, but it's hard. I'm an okay person, right? But if I examine my heart, if I get quiet and really really think about it, I want to cry. Because I realize I can't get around MYSELF!! But, Lord, I'll keep trying. A wise and humble man, Dr. Alan Redpath, suggested that "Before you can pray 'Thy Kingdom come', we have to be able to say 'My kingdom go'. So Lord, stay with me. I'm trying to let my kingdom go. Love me.
Patti Sachs (2008)
Matthew 23:11-12
How cool is this?!? "The greatest among [us] will be [my] servant"!! WOW! Imagine that! My chest puffs up, my head swells...my servant!!.. but wait..."All who exalt themselves will be humbled." Right. Check that. Slow down here. I'll just keep reading. "...all who humble themselves will be exalted." Great!! I'll be exalted!...wait a minute...let me read this again..."...all who humble themselves"..hmmm...I know about that, but it's hard. I'm an okay person, right? But if I examine my heart, if I get quiet and really really think about it, I want to cry. Because I realize I can't get around MYSELF!! But, Lord, I'll keep trying. A wise and humble man, Dr. Alan Redpath, suggested that "Before you can pray 'Thy Kingdom come', we have to be able to say 'My kingdom go'. So Lord, stay with me. I'm trying to let my kingdom go. Love me.
Patti Sachs (2008)
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Lenten Reflection - March 23, 2014 The Third Sunday of Lent
"Come follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." At once they left their nets and followed him.
Mark 1:14-28
What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus, what is the cost of discipleship? How do we "fish" for people?
This passage is Jesus' call to the first disciples. The "Kingdom of God" is such a big concept that it requires additional workers, and Jesus begins his ministry by calling two brothers. Jesus' command is not only issued to his first disciples, but to us all. It is issued with all the freedom and sovereignty of grace and given freely to us all, even though none of us are worthy to receive it. Jesus calls us to simple obedience, to accompany him wholeheartedly and constantly, sharing his life and destiny at the expense of all other engagements and commitments, letting go of earthly possessions, and following him is faith alone.
Carl Barth, one of the most influential theologians of the twentieth century, emphasizes in his book, The Call to Discipleship, that discipleship involves a detachment from the authority of possessions, foregoing the pursuit of personal glory...which goes beyond actions to intentions.
We are all called to be Disciples, to go forth in the world, wherever we happen to be, and spread the "good news" about the "Kingdom of God," that salvation is for everyone. In fact, when we are baptized, we promise to do just this.
Linda M. Stewart (2008)
Mark 1:14-28
What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus, what is the cost of discipleship? How do we "fish" for people?
This passage is Jesus' call to the first disciples. The "Kingdom of God" is such a big concept that it requires additional workers, and Jesus begins his ministry by calling two brothers. Jesus' command is not only issued to his first disciples, but to us all. It is issued with all the freedom and sovereignty of grace and given freely to us all, even though none of us are worthy to receive it. Jesus calls us to simple obedience, to accompany him wholeheartedly and constantly, sharing his life and destiny at the expense of all other engagements and commitments, letting go of earthly possessions, and following him is faith alone.
Carl Barth, one of the most influential theologians of the twentieth century, emphasizes in his book, The Call to Discipleship, that discipleship involves a detachment from the authority of possessions, foregoing the pursuit of personal glory...which goes beyond actions to intentions.
We are all called to be Disciples, to go forth in the world, wherever we happen to be, and spread the "good news" about the "Kingdom of God," that salvation is for everyone. In fact, when we are baptized, we promise to do just this.
Linda M. Stewart (2008)
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Lenten Reflection - March 22, 2014
For my sighing comes like my bread, and my groanings are poured out like water. Truly the thing that I fear comes upon me, and what I dread befalls me. I am not at ease, nor am I quiet; I have no rest; but trouble comes.
Job 3:20-4:6
The key question to the entire book of Job is why do good men suffer bad things or why is there suffering in the world. In this particular passage Job is lamenting his condition.
- Job hasn't the strength to eat. It is a monumental effort to get bread, eat, chew and swallow.
- Job's groans come out easily and he does not try to suppress them.
- Job fears that his current condition will never end.
- Job can only see trouble, he cannot see the light.
But throughout all his suffering, Job never questions God's existence.
How many times when we are suffering have we asked: Is God punishing me? Is God mad at me? Why doesn't he explain what He is doing? How many times do we hear of terrible natural disasters: earthquakes, floods, tornadoes or great suffering at the hands of others - mass shootings, war, terrorism? Do we ask why God lets these events happen? There is no short simple answer to these questions. They can only be answered through reasoning contemplation and prayer. And just like Job, we never question God's existence.
Also, when we reflect on our pain we can go one of two ways. We can keep distressing over and over again, or we can reflect on our pain, our loss and reorient our thinking and pose new questions to ourselves, others and God.
When we suffer, our situation may seem similar to Job's. We may not see the Light at the end of the tunnel. But there is always hope with God.
Suzanne Furr (2011)
Job 3:20-4:6
The key question to the entire book of Job is why do good men suffer bad things or why is there suffering in the world. In this particular passage Job is lamenting his condition.
- Job hasn't the strength to eat. It is a monumental effort to get bread, eat, chew and swallow.
- Job's groans come out easily and he does not try to suppress them.
- Job fears that his current condition will never end.
- Job can only see trouble, he cannot see the light.
But throughout all his suffering, Job never questions God's existence.
How many times when we are suffering have we asked: Is God punishing me? Is God mad at me? Why doesn't he explain what He is doing? How many times do we hear of terrible natural disasters: earthquakes, floods, tornadoes or great suffering at the hands of others - mass shootings, war, terrorism? Do we ask why God lets these events happen? There is no short simple answer to these questions. They can only be answered through reasoning contemplation and prayer. And just like Job, we never question God's existence.
Also, when we reflect on our pain we can go one of two ways. We can keep distressing over and over again, or we can reflect on our pain, our loss and reorient our thinking and pose new questions to ourselves, others and God.
When we suffer, our situation may seem similar to Job's. We may not see the Light at the end of the tunnel. But there is always hope with God.
Suzanne Furr (2011)
Friday, March 21, 2014
Lenten Reflection - March 21, 2014
Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.
Matthew 18:19
Ah. The power of prayer! My first thoughts when I see this verse are of our St. James' Prayer Chain, the list of people in need on our prayer, and our own daily supplications.
How many times has someone whose name was on the prayer list, or their friend or relative, thanked the congregation for their prayers with the acknowledgement that "your prayers worked"? My own experience with "2 or more" praying for me was 22 years ago during a serious medical experience. When a friend told me that she had put my name on her church's prayer list, I was quite taken aback. I wasn't familiar with prayer chains, and she told me of this passage from Matthew and also the one from I John 5:14, "If we ask anything according to His will, He hears us." It gave me such a positive image, that I was certain I would be healed if it was His will.
Does it mean we can ask for absolutely anything in prayer, like winning the lottery for example, and it will be granted to us? Hardly! We can only ask for what Christ Himself would ask. Sometimes our prayers are not answered the way we would have wished. We cannot dictate to God and must be willing to accept his wisdom. Real prayer is communion with God. What we need is for Him to fill our hearts and minds with His thoughts so that His desires will become our desires and be reflected back to Him in our prayers, whether it is just you, or 2 or more.
Peggy Horn (2011)
Matthew 18:19
Ah. The power of prayer! My first thoughts when I see this verse are of our St. James' Prayer Chain, the list of people in need on our prayer, and our own daily supplications.
How many times has someone whose name was on the prayer list, or their friend or relative, thanked the congregation for their prayers with the acknowledgement that "your prayers worked"? My own experience with "2 or more" praying for me was 22 years ago during a serious medical experience. When a friend told me that she had put my name on her church's prayer list, I was quite taken aback. I wasn't familiar with prayer chains, and she told me of this passage from Matthew and also the one from I John 5:14, "If we ask anything according to His will, He hears us." It gave me such a positive image, that I was certain I would be healed if it was His will.
Does it mean we can ask for absolutely anything in prayer, like winning the lottery for example, and it will be granted to us? Hardly! We can only ask for what Christ Himself would ask. Sometimes our prayers are not answered the way we would have wished. We cannot dictate to God and must be willing to accept his wisdom. Real prayer is communion with God. What we need is for Him to fill our hearts and minds with His thoughts so that His desires will become our desires and be reflected back to Him in our prayers, whether it is just you, or 2 or more.
Peggy Horn (2011)
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Lenten Reflection - March 20, 2014
But I trust in you, O LORD; I say, "You are my GOD." My times are in your hand; deliver me from the hand of my enemies and persecutors.
Psalm 31:14-15
Reflecting on this excerpt from the middle of Psalm 31, what jumped out at me was the simple statement "My times are in your hand." The preceding passages show a protagonist beset by enemies, scorned by his neighbors, and suffering from a terrible affliction. Following a declaration of his faith, he states that his times are in God's hand and asks for deliverance.
Researching this excerpt, I found several interpretations, most having to do with length of life. However, I found Eugene Peterson's interpretation in "The Message" particularly meaningful to me: "Hour by hour I place my days in your hand." This is not a resignation to a person's situation; it is a continual act of surrendering. Day by day, hour by hour, it is a process of affirming and then reaffirming the simple declaration from verse 14: "I trust in you, O LORD; I say 'You are my God.'" I know for me the thought is always there to trust in something or someone else - family, job, education, but most of all myself. The trick - and a step toward spiritual growth - is not to let that thought stick.
A wise friend once told me that the one of the hardest things to do is to "let God be God." Waking up each day and "placing my days in your hand" is something we will never do perfectly - it is progress, not perfection. However, having the willingness to make that effort and that progress is what allows us to live rather than simply say "You are my God."
Richard Downs (2009)
Psalm 31:14-15
Reflecting on this excerpt from the middle of Psalm 31, what jumped out at me was the simple statement "My times are in your hand." The preceding passages show a protagonist beset by enemies, scorned by his neighbors, and suffering from a terrible affliction. Following a declaration of his faith, he states that his times are in God's hand and asks for deliverance.
Researching this excerpt, I found several interpretations, most having to do with length of life. However, I found Eugene Peterson's interpretation in "The Message" particularly meaningful to me: "Hour by hour I place my days in your hand." This is not a resignation to a person's situation; it is a continual act of surrendering. Day by day, hour by hour, it is a process of affirming and then reaffirming the simple declaration from verse 14: "I trust in you, O LORD; I say 'You are my God.'" I know for me the thought is always there to trust in something or someone else - family, job, education, but most of all myself. The trick - and a step toward spiritual growth - is not to let that thought stick.
A wise friend once told me that the one of the hardest things to do is to "let God be God." Waking up each day and "placing my days in your hand" is something we will never do perfectly - it is progress, not perfection. However, having the willingness to make that effort and that progress is what allows us to live rather than simply say "You are my God."
Richard Downs (2009)
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Lenten Reflection - March 19, 2014
I appeal to you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another so that there may be no divisions among you and that you may be perfectly united in mind and thought.
1 Corinthians 1:1-19
The first nine verses of 1 Corinthians 1 are Paul's introduction to the entire letter. In these verses, we have been told that Paul is the author and that he is accompanied by Sosthenes (chief ruler of the synagogue at Corinth). Paul moves on to reiterate the call to Christian unity and then points out the ways in which this unity has broken down in the Corinthian church
Is it possible that as members of St. James' Parish we all speak the same thing and that we can be "perfectly united" in our opinions and judgments? Surely it would be un-American for us all to have the same opinions. But this is precisely what Paul is pleading for.
Paul calls for no "divisions." The Greek word for divisions is schismata, from which we get schism. The figurative meaning is "to tear or rip." As it would be applied in this passage, it means to have a difference of opinion, or a division of judgment. This was the kind of thing that Paul was arguing against.
Our lack of unity will also severely hinder us in our mission to the world. People will not be drawn to any church where there is disunity reflected in many agendas. If there are people all going in different directions with no common mission which they share together, people will be put off. Conversely, people are attracted to a place where there is a common vision, where people sacrifice for the shared goals.
This kind of unity must be worked for, chosen, purposefully undertaken. I do not believe that this kind of unity simply happens. This kind of unity must be a decision of the will. This is precisely why it is a command.
Brenda White (2008)
1 Corinthians 1:1-19
The first nine verses of 1 Corinthians 1 are Paul's introduction to the entire letter. In these verses, we have been told that Paul is the author and that he is accompanied by Sosthenes (chief ruler of the synagogue at Corinth). Paul moves on to reiterate the call to Christian unity and then points out the ways in which this unity has broken down in the Corinthian church
Is it possible that as members of St. James' Parish we all speak the same thing and that we can be "perfectly united" in our opinions and judgments? Surely it would be un-American for us all to have the same opinions. But this is precisely what Paul is pleading for.
Paul calls for no "divisions." The Greek word for divisions is schismata, from which we get schism. The figurative meaning is "to tear or rip." As it would be applied in this passage, it means to have a difference of opinion, or a division of judgment. This was the kind of thing that Paul was arguing against.
Our lack of unity will also severely hinder us in our mission to the world. People will not be drawn to any church where there is disunity reflected in many agendas. If there are people all going in different directions with no common mission which they share together, people will be put off. Conversely, people are attracted to a place where there is a common vision, where people sacrifice for the shared goals.
This kind of unity must be worked for, chosen, purposefully undertaken. I do not believe that this kind of unity simply happens. This kind of unity must be a decision of the will. This is precisely why it is a command.
Brenda White (2008)
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Lenten Reflection - March 18, 2014
The sacrifice acceptable to God is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.
Psalm 51:17
An initial reading of verse 17 from Psalm 51 leaves a certain sense of discomfort and unease. Words such as "sacrifice," "despise," and "broken," the latter of which actually appears twice in the short passage, practically jump from the page.
After reading and reflecting upon the full Psalm, however, a more positive and loving message emerges. The Psalm is David's emotional plea for God's forgiveness for a terrible sin - adultery - and it describes the path to redemption. It reminds us that God loves and will forgive us in spite of our many flaws. What could be more positive than that?
This particular passage emphasizes that it is not enough to ask for God's mercy. We must also show honest regret, or contrition. This is what the Psalm means by a "broken spirit." Holding ourselves accountable for our sins - having a "contrite heart" - is the only price for His forgiveness. If we have strayed, through that "sacrifice" we find the path to His love.
On Sundays at St. James', we confess our sins and say, "we are truly sorry, and we humbly repent." These are elegant and powerful words. If they are to be "acceptable to God," however, we must feel them in our hearts and live our lives accordingly.
What can we do today to show God we are truly sorry for our sins?
The Pickart Family (2009)
Psalm 51:17
An initial reading of verse 17 from Psalm 51 leaves a certain sense of discomfort and unease. Words such as "sacrifice," "despise," and "broken," the latter of which actually appears twice in the short passage, practically jump from the page.
After reading and reflecting upon the full Psalm, however, a more positive and loving message emerges. The Psalm is David's emotional plea for God's forgiveness for a terrible sin - adultery - and it describes the path to redemption. It reminds us that God loves and will forgive us in spite of our many flaws. What could be more positive than that?
This particular passage emphasizes that it is not enough to ask for God's mercy. We must also show honest regret, or contrition. This is what the Psalm means by a "broken spirit." Holding ourselves accountable for our sins - having a "contrite heart" - is the only price for His forgiveness. If we have strayed, through that "sacrifice" we find the path to His love.
On Sundays at St. James', we confess our sins and say, "we are truly sorry, and we humbly repent." These are elegant and powerful words. If they are to be "acceptable to God," however, we must feel them in our hearts and live our lives accordingly.
What can we do today to show God we are truly sorry for our sins?
The Pickart Family (2009)
Monday, March 17, 2014
Lenten Reflection - March 17, 2014
Then he said to them all, "If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me."
Luke 9:23-25
This passage occurs after Jesus has fed the multitudes with five loaves and two fishes—He is praying and tells His disciples what is to befall Him: His trial, crucifixion, and resurrection from the dead. This verse is deceptively simple: If you wish to follow me, you must let go of selfishness, pick up your cross, and come with me. He then presents the Apostles with a paradox: in order to save your life, you must lose it. Those who put worldly things in front of heavenly things will find, in the end, they have lost everything, while those who renounce the world and give their life to Christ will be rewarded with everlasting life. The message is plain, straight-forward, and easily understood. We know what we are called to do and what we must do - but so often we forget or ignore this fundamental charge of Christianity. Perhaps, in this penitential season of Lent, we can, with the aid of prayer and reflection, strive to pick up the cross that Jesus asks us to bear.
Diana Doswell (2011)
Luke 9:23-25
This passage occurs after Jesus has fed the multitudes with five loaves and two fishes—He is praying and tells His disciples what is to befall Him: His trial, crucifixion, and resurrection from the dead. This verse is deceptively simple: If you wish to follow me, you must let go of selfishness, pick up your cross, and come with me. He then presents the Apostles with a paradox: in order to save your life, you must lose it. Those who put worldly things in front of heavenly things will find, in the end, they have lost everything, while those who renounce the world and give their life to Christ will be rewarded with everlasting life. The message is plain, straight-forward, and easily understood. We know what we are called to do and what we must do - but so often we forget or ignore this fundamental charge of Christianity. Perhaps, in this penitential season of Lent, we can, with the aid of prayer and reflection, strive to pick up the cross that Jesus asks us to bear.
Diana Doswell (2011)
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Lenten Reflection - March 16, 2014 The Second Sunday of Lent
For it is not the hearers of the law who are righteous in God's sight, but the doers of the law who will be justified.
Romans 2:13
For me, the best version of this scripture is in The Message version of the Bible. If you are not familiar with The Message, its goal is to engage people in the reading process and help them understand what they read. It is not a study Bible, but rather "a reading Bible." The original books of the Bible were not written in formal language. The Message tries to recapture the Word in the words we use today. This excerpt from Romans 2 in The Message made this teaching clear to me.
God Is Kind, but Not Soft
You didn't think, did you, that just by pointing your finger at others you would distract God from seeing all your misdoings and from coming down on you hard? Or did you think that because He's such a nice God, He'd let you off the hook? Better think this one through from the beginning. God is kind, but he's not soft. In kindness He takes us firmly by the hand and leads us into a radical life-change.
If you go against the grain, you get splinters, regardless of which neighborhood you're from, what your parents taught you, what schools you attended. But if you embrace the way God does things, there are wonderful payoffs. God pays no attention to what others say (or what you think) about you. He makes up his own mind.
If you sin without knowing what you're doing, God takes that into account. But if you sin knowing full well what you're doing, that's a different story entirely. Merely hearing God's law is a waste of your time if you don't do what He commands. Doing, not hearing, is what makes the difference with God.
Linda Rines (2010)
Romans 2:13
For me, the best version of this scripture is in The Message version of the Bible. If you are not familiar with The Message, its goal is to engage people in the reading process and help them understand what they read. It is not a study Bible, but rather "a reading Bible." The original books of the Bible were not written in formal language. The Message tries to recapture the Word in the words we use today. This excerpt from Romans 2 in The Message made this teaching clear to me.
God Is Kind, but Not Soft
You didn't think, did you, that just by pointing your finger at others you would distract God from seeing all your misdoings and from coming down on you hard? Or did you think that because He's such a nice God, He'd let you off the hook? Better think this one through from the beginning. God is kind, but he's not soft. In kindness He takes us firmly by the hand and leads us into a radical life-change.
If you go against the grain, you get splinters, regardless of which neighborhood you're from, what your parents taught you, what schools you attended. But if you embrace the way God does things, there are wonderful payoffs. God pays no attention to what others say (or what you think) about you. He makes up his own mind.
If you sin without knowing what you're doing, God takes that into account. But if you sin knowing full well what you're doing, that's a different story entirely. Merely hearing God's law is a waste of your time if you don't do what He commands. Doing, not hearing, is what makes the difference with God.
Linda Rines (2010)
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Lenten Reflection - March 15, 2014
Or do you despise the riches of his kindness and forbearance and patience?
Romans 2:4
As I read this passage from Paul's letter to the Romans that was written in approximately 57AD, I can't help but think of how in today's society we are sometimes so super focused on who is right and who is wrong, who is the best at something and who is the worst, and "oh yeah" who are the sincere Christians, and who are not. We are told over and over we are not to judge but yet we do anyhow. We teach our children to treat each other as they would want to be treated, but yet we don't. Paul reminds us earlier in this chapter that we have "no excuse" for judging others as we are guilty of the same things we are judging others of. I believe we are being reminded that we should rejoice with fellow Christians and not be bothered whether or not they are doing something the way we feel it should be done, but excited in what they are doing if it is for the glory of our Lord.
To sum up my thought on this passage, maybe if we can be quicker to listen and slower to speak, then just maybe the KINDNESS, TOLERANCE, and PAITENCE of Christ can shine through us, both in our actions and words.
Steven E. Dorsey (2010)
Romans 2:4
As I read this passage from Paul's letter to the Romans that was written in approximately 57AD, I can't help but think of how in today's society we are sometimes so super focused on who is right and who is wrong, who is the best at something and who is the worst, and "oh yeah" who are the sincere Christians, and who are not. We are told over and over we are not to judge but yet we do anyhow. We teach our children to treat each other as they would want to be treated, but yet we don't. Paul reminds us earlier in this chapter that we have "no excuse" for judging others as we are guilty of the same things we are judging others of. I believe we are being reminded that we should rejoice with fellow Christians and not be bothered whether or not they are doing something the way we feel it should be done, but excited in what they are doing if it is for the glory of our Lord.
To sum up my thought on this passage, maybe if we can be quicker to listen and slower to speak, then just maybe the KINDNESS, TOLERANCE, and PAITENCE of Christ can shine through us, both in our actions and words.
Steven E. Dorsey (2010)
Friday, March 14, 2014
Lenten Reflection - March 14, 2014
... Jesus Christ our Lord, through whom we have received grace and apostleship to bring about the obedience of faith among the Gentiles for the sake of his name, including yourselves who are called to belong to Jesus Christ...
Romans 1:5-6
Not exactly something you'd put on a bumper sticker is it? Taken from Paul's introduction, this sets the stage for the delivery of his gospel to the churches in Rome. Tension is evident between the Jews and the Gentiles, so Paul sought to unify the church by proclaiming the glory of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
The obedience of faith that Paul calls for is not simply performing a good deed, or a kind gesture, an initial faith offering, but obedience built on an ongoing faith. This is a faith manifested in honoring the name of Jesus, by being living examples called to belong to Jesus Christ. By associating ourselves with His name, we provide others the opportunity to judge us based on how we live out our faith. We can honor the name and live out our transformed lives or we can take the other path. It's our choice. Every moment of every day. It's our choice.
For the sake of His name, may we choose to live today and every day as an Alleluia to our King.
Earl Buffaloe (2010)
Romans 1:5-6
Not exactly something you'd put on a bumper sticker is it? Taken from Paul's introduction, this sets the stage for the delivery of his gospel to the churches in Rome. Tension is evident between the Jews and the Gentiles, so Paul sought to unify the church by proclaiming the glory of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
The obedience of faith that Paul calls for is not simply performing a good deed, or a kind gesture, an initial faith offering, but obedience built on an ongoing faith. This is a faith manifested in honoring the name of Jesus, by being living examples called to belong to Jesus Christ. By associating ourselves with His name, we provide others the opportunity to judge us based on how we live out our faith. We can honor the name and live out our transformed lives or we can take the other path. It's our choice. Every moment of every day. It's our choice.
For the sake of His name, may we choose to live today and every day as an Alleluia to our King.
Earl Buffaloe (2010)
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Lenten Reflection - March 13, 2014
As Moses lifted up the serpent... so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in him may have eternal life.
John 3:15
Jesus was talking to Nicodemus when he made this statement. Nicodemus belonged to the party of the Pharisees, but he believed that Jesus was sent by God, because of the miracles he performed.
Jesus told him he must be born again. Nicodemus could not understand this symbolism. Jesus said, "You must be born of the spirit." In the book of Numbers 21:4, the Lord had sent poisonous snakes among his sinful, complaining people. When they asked for forgiveness, the Lord had Moses make a metal snake. Moses made a bronze snake on a pole. Anyone who had been bitten could look at it and be healed.
So Jesus must be lifted up, spiritually. We, believing, will be saved.
Beverly Fahlstrom (2010)
John 3:15
Jesus was talking to Nicodemus when he made this statement. Nicodemus belonged to the party of the Pharisees, but he believed that Jesus was sent by God, because of the miracles he performed.
Jesus told him he must be born again. Nicodemus could not understand this symbolism. Jesus said, "You must be born of the spirit." In the book of Numbers 21:4, the Lord had sent poisonous snakes among his sinful, complaining people. When they asked for forgiveness, the Lord had Moses make a metal snake. Moses made a bronze snake on a pole. Anyone who had been bitten could look at it and be healed.
So Jesus must be lifted up, spiritually. We, believing, will be saved.
Beverly Fahlstrom (2010)
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Lenten Reflection - March 12, 2014
He was in the wilderness forty days, tempted by Satan...
Mark 1:13
Through today's verse we encounter a Jesus who is tired, hungry, and alone after spending forty days in the wilderness being tempted by Satan. The forty days Jesus spent being tempted remind me of our own forty days of seeking and searching during this season of Lent...Amazingly, we find ourselves connected; connected to Jesus through the one thing that can weaken or strengthen our relationship with God, temptation.
The tempter knows the condition of Jesus; he knows His weaknesses (he's hungry, tired, and alone) and he tries to take advantage of them. It's as if the tempter is saying: "use your power to meet your own needs, use your power to meet the material needs of the world." However, Jesus refuses and puts His trust in His Father. Jesus acknowledges the love His Father has for Him, thus enabling Him to overcome any temptation.
Like Jesus, we too, face temptations every day. How we respond to such temptations depends on whether or not we are willing to trust God and his love for us. So, this Lenten season let us spend more time recognizing our weaknesses and the places in which we are tempted, so that we may respond in ways that glorify God instead of ourselves. And may we be reminded that it is God who provides for our deepest needs and it is through His love that we are able to overcome any temptation we face.
Amanda Knouse +(2009)
Mark 1:13
Through today's verse we encounter a Jesus who is tired, hungry, and alone after spending forty days in the wilderness being tempted by Satan. The forty days Jesus spent being tempted remind me of our own forty days of seeking and searching during this season of Lent...Amazingly, we find ourselves connected; connected to Jesus through the one thing that can weaken or strengthen our relationship with God, temptation.
The tempter knows the condition of Jesus; he knows His weaknesses (he's hungry, tired, and alone) and he tries to take advantage of them. It's as if the tempter is saying: "use your power to meet your own needs, use your power to meet the material needs of the world." However, Jesus refuses and puts His trust in His Father. Jesus acknowledges the love His Father has for Him, thus enabling Him to overcome any temptation.
Like Jesus, we too, face temptations every day. How we respond to such temptations depends on whether or not we are willing to trust God and his love for us. So, this Lenten season let us spend more time recognizing our weaknesses and the places in which we are tempted, so that we may respond in ways that glorify God instead of ourselves. And may we be reminded that it is God who provides for our deepest needs and it is through His love that we are able to overcome any temptation we face.
Amanda Knouse +(2009)
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Lenten Reflection - March 11, 2014
The Spirit immediately drove him out into the wilderness.
Mark 1:12
Upon first reading this passage, I was struck by its brevity and power. The Gospel of Mark relates the Temptation of Christ in the first chapter, using only two sentences. Unlike the Gospel of Matthew, where the story is related in 11 verses in the fourth chapter, or Luke, who uses 13 verses in the fourth chapter, Mark notes the event and moves quickly on. Why this difference, I wondered? This passage is harsh. The use of the words "immediately," and "drove," are not at all as gentle as those used in Matthew or Luke's versions. In Matthew, Jesus is led by the Spirit into the wilderness. In Luke, Jesus wanders in the wilderness, led by the Spirit.
The Gospel According to Mark, is widely considered to be the oldest of the gospels. Did Matthew and Luke, who must have been familiar with Mark's work, decide he left too much to the imagination? Did they think Mark moved too quickly past this important event which introduces the conflict between Jesus and Satan? Or, were they trying to make a readable version of Jesus' life and death?
The remainder of Mark's Gospel clearly reveals that Mark is greatly concerned about this conflict between Jesus and Satan. Life in Jesus's time was much different than our present world. It is difficult for us to relate to that world. In his brevity, Mark conveys the stark reality of the powers of evil that so often make an appearance when we least expect them.
Mary Hoffman (2010)
Mark 1:12
Upon first reading this passage, I was struck by its brevity and power. The Gospel of Mark relates the Temptation of Christ in the first chapter, using only two sentences. Unlike the Gospel of Matthew, where the story is related in 11 verses in the fourth chapter, or Luke, who uses 13 verses in the fourth chapter, Mark notes the event and moves quickly on. Why this difference, I wondered? This passage is harsh. The use of the words "immediately," and "drove," are not at all as gentle as those used in Matthew or Luke's versions. In Matthew, Jesus is led by the Spirit into the wilderness. In Luke, Jesus wanders in the wilderness, led by the Spirit.
The Gospel According to Mark, is widely considered to be the oldest of the gospels. Did Matthew and Luke, who must have been familiar with Mark's work, decide he left too much to the imagination? Did they think Mark moved too quickly past this important event which introduces the conflict between Jesus and Satan? Or, were they trying to make a readable version of Jesus' life and death?
The remainder of Mark's Gospel clearly reveals that Mark is greatly concerned about this conflict between Jesus and Satan. Life in Jesus's time was much different than our present world. It is difficult for us to relate to that world. In his brevity, Mark conveys the stark reality of the powers of evil that so often make an appearance when we least expect them.
Mary Hoffman (2010)
Monday, March 10, 2014
Lenten Reflection - March 10, 2014
Then your light shall break forth like the dawn, and your healing shall spring up quickly; your vindicator shall go before you, the glory of the LORD shall be your rear guard.
Isaiah 58:8
That is a nice thought but what do I have to do before the "Then"? God's prophet is speaking what the Lord tells him to say. One of our anthems asks "How could I not have known Isaiah would be there?" And one of the praise songs we sing tells us "He will bear us on the breath of dawn and make us to shine like the sun." That is surely to be desired. What must I do? I read back and find Isaiah is describing the way God wants me to spend a day of fasting. (Definitely not in black, with a long face) God wants me to break the chain of injustice, free the oppressed, cancel debts, feed the hungry, cloth the naked, be available to my own family—I'm thinking, two out of six isn't too bad, but it's not good either. It is just a beginning. That is what I have to do before the "then."
Caroline Chisum (2009)
Isaiah 58:8
That is a nice thought but what do I have to do before the "Then"? God's prophet is speaking what the Lord tells him to say. One of our anthems asks "How could I not have known Isaiah would be there?" And one of the praise songs we sing tells us "He will bear us on the breath of dawn and make us to shine like the sun." That is surely to be desired. What must I do? I read back and find Isaiah is describing the way God wants me to spend a day of fasting. (Definitely not in black, with a long face) God wants me to break the chain of injustice, free the oppressed, cancel debts, feed the hungry, cloth the naked, be available to my own family—I'm thinking, two out of six isn't too bad, but it's not good either. It is just a beginning. That is what I have to do before the "then."
Caroline Chisum (2009)
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Lenten Reflection - March 9, 2014 The First Sunday of Lent
John saw Jesus coming toward him and declared, "Here is the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!"
John 1:29
Jesus was a lamb of God like us - He was one of us! Like us, He was baptized by John (even though He had no sin) just as all of us were baptized. For all of us and for Jesus too, baptism reaffirms God's love for each of us and reminds us of our inherent worth. We need to remember this message every day! During all baptisms, we, the congregation, promise to nurture and support the newly baptized. The Godparents promise to take special care of the person. As a Sunday school teacher of three, four, and five year olds, I take this promise very seriously. I want all my children to absolutely know that Jesus loves them and that they are marked as God's own forever! In a sense, I am their Godparent for awhile on Sundays. Jesus is our shepherd, always taking care of us—never abandoning any of us. We can have total faith in his love and care. This is the kind of commitment I try to bring to my class each week. We learn about Jesus' life - His birth, His teaching (as shown in the Parables), the Eucharist, and His death and resurrection. We emphasize over and over that Jesus is the Good Shepherd and He loves us unconditionally and forever. It is an awesome responsibility and a wonderful privilege to be entrusted with the first church teachings these children receive. I pray I always let them know with words and actions how much Jesus loves them. In truth, they show me God's love every Sunday!
Julie Cornellier (2010)
John 1:29
Jesus was a lamb of God like us - He was one of us! Like us, He was baptized by John (even though He had no sin) just as all of us were baptized. For all of us and for Jesus too, baptism reaffirms God's love for each of us and reminds us of our inherent worth. We need to remember this message every day! During all baptisms, we, the congregation, promise to nurture and support the newly baptized. The Godparents promise to take special care of the person. As a Sunday school teacher of three, four, and five year olds, I take this promise very seriously. I want all my children to absolutely know that Jesus loves them and that they are marked as God's own forever! In a sense, I am their Godparent for awhile on Sundays. Jesus is our shepherd, always taking care of us—never abandoning any of us. We can have total faith in his love and care. This is the kind of commitment I try to bring to my class each week. We learn about Jesus' life - His birth, His teaching (as shown in the Parables), the Eucharist, and His death and resurrection. We emphasize over and over that Jesus is the Good Shepherd and He loves us unconditionally and forever. It is an awesome responsibility and a wonderful privilege to be entrusted with the first church teachings these children receive. I pray I always let them know with words and actions how much Jesus loves them. In truth, they show me God's love every Sunday!
Julie Cornellier (2010)
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Lenten Reflection - March 8, 2014
The Son of Man must undergo great suffering, and be rejected by the elders, chief priests, and scribes, and be killed, and on the third day raised.
Luke 9:22
Jesus was praying with the disciples when Peter professed his belief that Jesus was Christ. Immediately after this, Jesus hits the disciples with the biggest test of their belief and faith in Him, and prophesied that he would be rejected, killed, and raised from the dead on the third day. He advised the disciples to live selflessly and not be ashamed of following Him. What strikes us about this passages is that the same message is repeated verbatim in Matthew, Mark, and Luke—three times in their Gospels! We can conclude that the disciples were not getting Jesus' message of His death and resurrection because He repeated himself three times. In Matthew 16, Peter rebuked Jesus saying, "Never, Lord! This shall never happen to you!" In turn, Jesus said to Peter, "Get behind me Satan! You are a stumbling block for me; for you are setting your mind not on divine things, but on human things." In our lives, we see denial every day. As high school students, we see our peers neglect "the right thing" and do what they see as fit. As adults, we make excuses, enable each other, and we set standards based on our own beliefs and values rather than God's. We need to turn our denial into listening to God. The disciples had three warnings of Jesus' treacherous death and resurrection. Let us direct our focus on "divine things" this Lenten season and listen to God when He is talking to us.
St. James' YAC Sunday School Class
Young Adults in the Church, grades 11-12 (2008)
Luke 9:22
Jesus was praying with the disciples when Peter professed his belief that Jesus was Christ. Immediately after this, Jesus hits the disciples with the biggest test of their belief and faith in Him, and prophesied that he would be rejected, killed, and raised from the dead on the third day. He advised the disciples to live selflessly and not be ashamed of following Him. What strikes us about this passages is that the same message is repeated verbatim in Matthew, Mark, and Luke—three times in their Gospels! We can conclude that the disciples were not getting Jesus' message of His death and resurrection because He repeated himself three times. In Matthew 16, Peter rebuked Jesus saying, "Never, Lord! This shall never happen to you!" In turn, Jesus said to Peter, "Get behind me Satan! You are a stumbling block for me; for you are setting your mind not on divine things, but on human things." In our lives, we see denial every day. As high school students, we see our peers neglect "the right thing" and do what they see as fit. As adults, we make excuses, enable each other, and we set standards based on our own beliefs and values rather than God's. We need to turn our denial into listening to God. The disciples had three warnings of Jesus' treacherous death and resurrection. Let us direct our focus on "divine things" this Lenten season and listen to God when He is talking to us.
St. James' YAC Sunday School Class
Young Adults in the Church, grades 11-12 (2008)
Friday, March 7, 2014
Lenten Reflection - March 7, 2014
And a voice came from heaven, "You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased." And the Spirit immediately drove him out into the wilderness. He was in the wilderness forty days, tempted by Satan; and he was with the wild beasts; and the angels waited on him.
Mark 1:11-13
Unlike Matthew, Luke or John, Mark gives us a minimal description of Jesus' baptism and temptation in the wilderness. There is no elaboration here; we have only the barest details. How was Jesus tempted? How did he respond? Were the beasts friendly or menacing? What did Jesus think of his baptism or God's words? Mark allows our imaginations to fill in the details.
As we make our journey through life, we know there are many twists, turns, detours and surprises. We may find ourselves in an unfamiliar wilderness without a road map, where we cannot rely on our past experiences as a guide to the present. And if we ask ourselves "what would Jesus do?" Mark seems to give us little comfort.
But our God is a God of possibilities, not predictabilities. When we enter unfamiliar, even scary space, God allows us to fill in the details ourselves. Jesus did not enter the wilderness unprepared and abandoned by God. Nor will God desert us when we are in the wilderness.
At our baptism, God spoke to us also, to tell us that we are God's children and how much God loves us. God delights in who we are and who we will become. God knows we will be scared, confused and tempted as we venture into new and unfamiliar places. But God will always be with us, whispering in our ear "you are my beloved child and you always make me happy!" With God's love, we have nothing to fear.
Patrick Arey+ (2008)
Mark 1:11-13
Unlike Matthew, Luke or John, Mark gives us a minimal description of Jesus' baptism and temptation in the wilderness. There is no elaboration here; we have only the barest details. How was Jesus tempted? How did he respond? Were the beasts friendly or menacing? What did Jesus think of his baptism or God's words? Mark allows our imaginations to fill in the details.
As we make our journey through life, we know there are many twists, turns, detours and surprises. We may find ourselves in an unfamiliar wilderness without a road map, where we cannot rely on our past experiences as a guide to the present. And if we ask ourselves "what would Jesus do?" Mark seems to give us little comfort.
But our God is a God of possibilities, not predictabilities. When we enter unfamiliar, even scary space, God allows us to fill in the details ourselves. Jesus did not enter the wilderness unprepared and abandoned by God. Nor will God desert us when we are in the wilderness.
At our baptism, God spoke to us also, to tell us that we are God's children and how much God loves us. God delights in who we are and who we will become. God knows we will be scared, confused and tempted as we venture into new and unfamiliar places. But God will always be with us, whispering in our ear "you are my beloved child and you always make me happy!" With God's love, we have nothing to fear.
Patrick Arey+ (2008)
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Lenten Reflection - March 6, 2014
Use your heads as you live and work among outsiders. Don't miss a trick. Make the most of every opportunity. Be gracious in your speech. The goal is to bring out the best in others in a conversation, not put them down, not cut them out. (The Message)
Colossians 4:2-6
This passage is an encouragement to pray and be ready for opportunities that arise for us to share Christ and His love with others, often found under a heading aptly referring to "Christian Graces." It is useful to understand the context, as the preceding portion of Colossians is labeled in most Bibles as "Rules" or "Guidelines" of a Christian Home. It speaks about how we should relate to others in a variety of relationships: husbands and wives, parents and children, employees and employers. Then this particular passage moves on to how we interact with others - in some translations it says "outsiders." This may be a casual acquaintance or a stranger. We are to be prayerfully ready to make the most of every opportunity to serve Christ in the people we encounter on a daily basis. We need to be equipped with speech filled with grace, which is not always easy in this hectic life. How many times have we said, "I should have said this." or "I should have done that"? In other Bible translations, the passage emphasizes "continuing in prayer" in order to have the wisdom to "know how to answer each one." Perhaps during Lent we can all take extra time to pray and be aware of the opportunities God is giving us to be like Christ to the people He puts in our path. Also remember, it's up to us to take action and carry out what He is inspiring us to do. The ball is in our court, what will we do with it?
Laura Miller (2011)
Colossians 4:2-6
This passage is an encouragement to pray and be ready for opportunities that arise for us to share Christ and His love with others, often found under a heading aptly referring to "Christian Graces." It is useful to understand the context, as the preceding portion of Colossians is labeled in most Bibles as "Rules" or "Guidelines" of a Christian Home. It speaks about how we should relate to others in a variety of relationships: husbands and wives, parents and children, employees and employers. Then this particular passage moves on to how we interact with others - in some translations it says "outsiders." This may be a casual acquaintance or a stranger. We are to be prayerfully ready to make the most of every opportunity to serve Christ in the people we encounter on a daily basis. We need to be equipped with speech filled with grace, which is not always easy in this hectic life. How many times have we said, "I should have said this." or "I should have done that"? In other Bible translations, the passage emphasizes "continuing in prayer" in order to have the wisdom to "know how to answer each one." Perhaps during Lent we can all take extra time to pray and be aware of the opportunities God is giving us to be like Christ to the people He puts in our path. Also remember, it's up to us to take action and carry out what He is inspiring us to do. The ball is in our court, what will we do with it?
Laura Miller (2011)
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Lenten Reflection - March 5, 2014 Ash Wednesday
But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing so that your giving may be in secret.
Matthew 6:1-6
When Jesus says not to let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, he is teaching us that our motives for giving to God and to others must be pure. It is not for show or to do something for someone, if it will benefit us in return. We should do good deeds quietly or in secret with no thought of reward. Jesus says we should check our motives in three areas: generosity, prayer, and fasting.
This passage takes me back to a time as a small child when there was no money for Christmas. At that time our father was ill and was unable to work. My mother got a phone call from the local department store telling her to come to the store and do her Christmas shopping for her three children. We awoke Christmas morning with packages under the tree, never ever knowing who called the department store.
Betsy Hillery (2008)
Matthew 6:1-6
When Jesus says not to let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, he is teaching us that our motives for giving to God and to others must be pure. It is not for show or to do something for someone, if it will benefit us in return. We should do good deeds quietly or in secret with no thought of reward. Jesus says we should check our motives in three areas: generosity, prayer, and fasting.
This passage takes me back to a time as a small child when there was no money for Christmas. At that time our father was ill and was unable to work. My mother got a phone call from the local department store telling her to come to the store and do her Christmas shopping for her three children. We awoke Christmas morning with packages under the tree, never ever knowing who called the department store.
Betsy Hillery (2008)
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