“After Jesus had gone indoors, his disciples asked him privately, ‘Why couldn’t we drive the evil spirit out?’ He replied, ‘This kind can come out only by prayer.’” - Mark 9:28-29
Reflection by Sharon McGlaughlin
The response of Jesus to his disciples that ‘This kind can come out only by prayer” reminded me of what I already know, but do not always practice. I was like many people who pray when they are in need, struggling with a problem that just will not go away. I would thank God for the good in my life, but didn’t always invite him into my life everyday. Several years back, it finally dawned on me (a God Smack moment), that when I started my day with prayer, there was more peace in it. The negative things seemed less daunting, the good more joyous, and life in general on an even keel.
When our oldest son was presented with a life changing event in his life, I started to pray even harder for him. I wanted to give him comfort, and make things better, but I am only human. I called on God through prayer to give our son what he needed to heal, find peace, and have the desire in his heart to return to the church.
I know that it is only through the prayers that were offered up for him that he now attends church on a regular basis with a wonderful young woman who has agreed to be his wife. He is no longer without a true knowledge that God does listen to prayer and gives what He knows is the best for us. Jesus turned to prayer always, shouldn’t we?