Joseph of Arimathea, who was a disciple of Jesus, though a secret one because of his fear of the Jews, asked Pilate to let him take away the body of Jesus. Pilate gave him permission; so he came and removed his body.
John 19:38
When reading the above passage I am struck with complete awe at the courage and love that Joseph of Arimathea had for his Lord and Savior. Not much is known about this character Joseph, other than he was known as an honorable counselor, who waited for the kingdom of God. We know that fear captivated him as he watched his Lord being arrested, beaten, and murdered. Honestly, I think we all would be scared at such a sight. However, what amazes me about this passage is Joseph’s desire to give his Lord a proper burial, no matter how difficult it may be.
And so, he approaches Pontius Pilate and asks for Jesus’ body. Upon permission from Pilate, Joseph finds himself at the foot of the cross where his Lord and Savior hang lifeless. What a powerful moment for Joseph. If there is one person in the world that truly understood the reality of Jesus’ death I think it is Joseph as he carries the dead weight of Christ to the tomb. Every step that Joseph took must have been encompassed with guilt, fear, and a feeling of loss. Yet, with every step Joseph finds his heart being transformed from disbelief to belief. As Christians we know that in three days Jesus will be raised from the dead and that death will no longer have the final word. Yet, for now we, like Joseph, wait.
The Rev. Amanda Knouse