Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Lenten Reflection - February 19, 2013

But not so with you; rather the greatest among you must become like the youngest, and the leader like one who serves. For who is greater, the one who is at the table or the one who serves? Is it not the one at the table? But I am among you as one who serves.
Luke 22:26-27

This passage comes from a time period when the disciples had been arguing over who was the greatest. As usual, Jesus steps in and sets them straight with the correct perspective. Other translations use "king" or "leader" for greatest and "servant" for youngest in this passage. When we discussed this and the surrounding verses in our Atrium II class, the young people were eager to say that they think it is great to serve; it's a good thing to help other people. They recalled ways theyhave served the Lord by helping people:
  • praying for people
  • raising money for the sick
  • helping out at home or in the classroom
  • looking out for each other
  • taking care of someone who is sick or in trouble
  • talking to all people...especially making friends with new or lonelypeople
  • making people feel better when they are sad
  • making cards for people
We also had a discussion on being thankful for the people that serve us in so many ways . It is important to remember that we should also be willing to do the same kinds of things for others. One final note, the children felt very good that Jesus would think that they –and what they can do- are as important as grown-ups. Hopefully our busy adult lives still leave time to stop and serve, as a youthful servant's heart so willingly does.

Atrium II (Grades 1-3)
Laura Miller and Jennifer Sparrow Wolf