Pilate said to them, "Then what should I do with Jesus who is called the Messiah? "All of them said, "Let him be crucified!" Then he asked, "Why, what evil has he done?" But they shouted all the more, "Let him be crucified!"
Matthew 27-22-23
These were troubled times in Jerusalem. This was a time of unrest between the people and Rome. Zealots roamed the land rebelling against what they believed to be a tyrannical government. Rome had its hands full trying to quell unrest and prevent a general rebellion. As governor, one of Pilate's primary responsibilities was to maintain peace, and he would be held accountable if there was violence and rebellion. Jerusalem was preparing for the Festival of Unleavened Bread and would be crowded with people coming to participate in Passover. Expecting that there could be trouble, as was his custom, Pilate and his legions traveled to Jerusalem. While Pilate entered the City from the west through Harod's Gate with a show of all his majesty and earthly power, Jesus entered from the east through the Golden Gate humbly riding on a donkey with no worldly possessions.
Jesus fell into disfavor with the Jewish religious leaders and they hated him for his violation of their rules. They found him guilty of blasphemy under Jewish law, but did not have the authority to execute him. They had to turn to Rome, but Pilate had no reason or authority to execute him for that reason. When the leaders turned to false accusations of crimes under Rome law, Pilate was not impressed, but agreed to issue a crucifixion order to appease them. This to prevent them from issuing a formal complaint to Rome that could result in his being recalled by Rome. As was the custom, Pilate offered to free one prisoner, but the crowd had been whipped into such frenzy against Jesus, they chose to release Barabbas.
So, who is responsible for Jesus' death? While the Jewish leaders were the instrument, isn't it really all of us? None of us are capable of perfection, so God in his compassion chose to come to the earth to show us perfection, and through the death of Jesus Christ, to provide us a way through him to stand before God and enter his Kingdom.
Warren Harper