The greatest among you will be your servant. All who exalt themselves will be humbled, and all who humble themselves will be exalted.
Matthew 23:11-12
How cool is this?!? “The greatest among [us] will be [my] servant”!! WOW! Imagine that! My chest puffs up, my head swells…my servant!!.. but wait…”All who exalt themselves will be humbled.” Right. Check that. Slow down here. I’ll just keep reading. “…all who humble themselves will be exalted.” Great!! I’ll be exalted!!........wait a minute………let me read this again…”…all who humble themselves”..hmmm…I know about that, but it’s hard. I’m an okay person, right? But if I examine my heart, if I get quiet and really really think about it, I want to cry. Because I realize I can’t get around MYSELF!! But, Lord, I’ll keep trying. A wise and humble man, Dr. Alan Redpath, suggested that “Before you can pray ‘Thy Kingdom come’, we have to be able to say ‘My kingdom go’. So Lord, stay with me. I’m trying to let my kingdom go. Love me.
Patti Sachs