“I will be like the dew to Israel; he shall blossom like the lily, he shall strike root like the forests of Lebanon.”
Hosea 14:5
In the context of the Lenten season, on first read, this passage fondly puts a smile on my face, as it reminds me of spring. It renews my spirit by reminding me that from the cold, still, dark hopelessness of winter follows the promise of spring. Even my 6 year old son understood the reference to spring.
On the second read, I began at the beginning of Hosea’s book and found the readings to be harsh. Hosea describes with grueling, bitter symbolism, how the people of Israel will be punished by God for disavowing Him. All 13 chapters prior to this passage are filled with descriptions of the sins against God. Read alone, the 13 chapters depict our God as jealous and revengeful, without forgiveness; but read as a whole book with the 14th chapter, I believe I understand the meaning of Hosea’s writings and the Lenten season; despite our sins against Him, God is love and will forgive those who seek to understand Him.
I now understand that this passage, in context, is about repentance. Hosea wanted to evoked a feeling of regret about our sins but reminds us that through repentance our spirits will be renewed.
Michelle & Jackson Perkins