If our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the furnace of blazing fire and out of your hand, O king, let him deliver us.
Daniel 3:17
This passage reflects the words spoken by three men of Judah after they were brought before King Nebuchadnezzar for failing to worship a gold statue. The King decreed that anyone who did not bow to and worship the gold idol would be thrown into the blazing furnace. Refusing to obey the King's decree, the men of Judah were turned over to the King by his officers. When the King threatened that the men would be thrown into the furnace and mocked God's power to save them, the men responded that they did not need to defend God. They told the King of their faith in God who would save them, but that even if God did not save them, they would never serve the king's gods or bow to his false idols.
The message of this passage is simple. What will we do when our faith is tested? Will we bow to false idols or will we summon the strength shown by the men of Judah, submit to our faith in God and our belief that He can save us from the blazing furnace? When we are tested, our faith is only as strong as our efforts have been to strengthen it. If we fail to set aside time to reflect upon the Word and the messages God has for us, we can't possibly nurture and grow our faith so that we are ready. Like any other aspect of our lives where we want to succeed, faith takes work, commitment and perseverance.
Katina Steuart