In you, O LORD, I take refuge, let me never be put to shame.
Psalm 71:1
When I began to research this Psalm, the first thing that struck me was that it is labeled an “old man’s “ or “old person’s” Psalm. David is lamenting his old age and his inabilities to continue on as he had as a young man, worried that in his old age he will shame himself before his enemies, peoples and God. Having just celebrated my “half century” birthday, I found this to be a bit of a downer. Is this what I have to look forward to in my old age?
Luckily that’s not where the story ends. David remembers the many tough times in his life and to his encouragement finds that God was with him each time—his refuge. Why should this time, old age, be any different? Despite the pains and embarrassments of growing old, he sings God’s praises because he knows that God has been and always will be his refuge—all he need do is ask.
In this time of Lent let us reflect on the tough times where God was by our side and find encouragement in knowing that, even into our old age, He will be with us always - our constant refuge.
Dona Bushong