Monday, March 15, 2010

Lenten Reflection - March 15, 2010

Jesus said to Philip, “Where are we to buy bread for these people to eat?” He said this to test him, for he himself knew what he was going to do.
John 6:5-6

What catches my attention most about this passage is that among the many miracles Jesus displayed to crowds of people and his disciples, there might not be one that matches the multitude of this story. This verse stands at the heart of what Jesus’ time as a man on earth stood for, and how he fed those who were hungry for something more than just physical food. In those times, much like ours, people were starving, but this isn’t your typical hunger. Unlike most starvation, this particular type of hunger needed something special not just the loaves of barley bread and fish that this scripture mentions.

As Christians we hunger for more, whether it is to be more accepting of others, or just to be accepted, to be more helpful, or even if we are hungering for the help of others. This verse opens itself up and allows us to see clearly that God not only sent his Son for our salvation, but to feed us, both spiritually and emotionally. There is a bit of irony in my reflection as when we kneel at the altar every Sunday morning, which is in fact the sacrament of the body and blood of our Lord Christ that we feed upon. Lent is indeed a time of reflection, and as you reflect this Lenten season, whatever it is you hunger for, the Lord our God shall provide.

John Knouse