...Although everyone is a liar, let God be proved true...
Romans 3:4
In this passage, Paul is telling the Romans that God is always true. This passage is preceded by a discussion as to whether you had to be a Jew in order to be a Christian. Paul’s answer was “no.” Recognition comes from God, not legalistic critics.
This passage is particularly timely for me. In the recent weeks, it has become apparent that my life priorities are not in line with my core beliefs. I had an opportunity to reconnect with some old friends, whom, I believe God used to show me that it was time to re-evaluate my priorities. The tremendous flow of emotions that came over me on my ride home was impossible to ignore. The message that I kept getting from God was “when is enough, enough”? I then attended the Women’s retreat and the theme centered around emptying our life vessel of all of the unnecessary things, filling it with God’s love, and then sharing God’s love in our daily lives.
I allowed the friends that I chose to be with influence my priorities. I felt like I could never live up to their expectations, so my life centered on activities to win their approval, instead of making God’s love my priority. I got caught up in worldly priorities that mean absolutely nothing and benefit no one, and truth be told, made me constantly feel like I wasn’t good enough.
God is the one true and constant in our life. It is only his approval that we should seek. Worldly proprieties will only cause frustration and send us into an endless cycle of thinking we are in “need.” This “need” is never satisfied if we choose to listen to legalistic critics and not stay centered in God’s love.
Molly Nussear