“With the measure you use, it will be measured to you—and even more.” - Mark 4:24-41
Reflection by Cindy Carrier
The pressures and temptations of today’s modern living make it difficult to take the time to appreciate the world around us as Jesus would want us to with generosity, tolerance, acceptance and love. I imagine that in the midst of people’s hectic daily schedules, it is easy to become caught up with cares and worries that deprive us of our spiritual growth and an intimate relationship with God. We find deepening our faith commitment very challenging. We need to remember that great things begin with tiny actions. The Kingdom will only grow with care and nourishment. We are not to retain God’s message within ourselves but to give it away and that same Message that has transformed our life will in turn influence someone else who will in turn influence another. If you doubt that such a glorious Kingdom could grow from such tiny beginnings, remember the mustard seed.
The disciples’ skepticism of faith is as evident today as it was in that little boat. Those kinds of miracles aren’t so apparent today. We have to look deeper and use our faith to know that they exist. This becomes difficult when the troubles of our life take us on, testing our faith. Jesus did not promise us calm waters in our journey of faith. He did promise to be with us. You do not need to see Him to know that He is there. A reminder of this is the song “Have You Seen Jesus My Lord?” Have you ever looked at the sunset? Have you ever stood at the ocean? Then you’ve seen Jesus, my friend. Ultimately, it is your own heart that determines your response to Christ and not His spectacular miracles.