“They all ate and were satisfied.” - Mark 6:30-46
Reflection by Earl Buffalo
We have all heard the story—5 loaves and 2 fish to feed 5000 people. How is this possible? Do you believe it?
When confronted by these miraculous events, our own sensibilities are put to the test. When we look at the ministry of Jesus, we are continually asked to suspend judgment and to trust what we are told. The blind regain sight, the lame walk, water is turned to wine, and the greatest miracle of all - the dead are raised. How does one resolve the questions about miraculous events? How can they be explained? In a word—faith.
Faith is the power to believe without having seen, to trust in, and to simply accept the Word of God. Given our own rational thought processes and philosophical nature, skepticism and disbelief abound. After all, who wants to debate a miracle? How can you win that argument? How many of us carry doubts within us that keep us from proclaiming Christ as our Savior to our co-workers, friends and acquaintances? One of my favorite song lyrics’ reads “Faith is a burden. It’s brave and bittersweet. Hope is hard to hold to. Lord, I believe, only help my unbelief.”
Explaining or being able to debate miracles is not required. We don’t need to defend our faith. We simply need to nurture it and humbly ask that it be strengthened—“like a mustard seed waiting for some proof.”
Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe.