“But if a wicked man turns away from all the sins he has committed, and keeps all my decrees and does what is just and right, he will surely live; he will not die.” - Ezekiel 18:21-32
Reflection by Jeanie Zseltvay
God is unfair!
Who are we to even think these thoughts? It is written throughout the Bible that God is indeed fair. We are reminded perpetually, if we ask forgiveness and repent, we will be forgiven, and our sins will be washed clean; the operative phrase here is that we have to ask and be willing to repent.
We have to remember we are never alone, but that God knows what is in our hearts and minds, but we are still loved by Him. We have to make the effort to ask, seek and turn to God at all times, not just when troubles arise.
God deals with us in a very fair manner, but it is not our measure of fairness that He deals in but His own.
I have always said that, if we as humans were perfect, we would be sitting on the left side while Jesus is on the right.
No one human is free from sin, but we are free to chose not to sin; that is a great gift we have been given.