Then Jesus told his disciples, "If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will find it. For what will it profit them if they gain the whole world by forfeiting their life?
Matthew 16:24-26
When we picture the cross in the modern day, we may forget the imagery it evoked in Matthew's time. It was an ugly and cruel instrument of death, a weapon to inflict unimaginable pain, and a gory reminder to follow the oppressive Roman law or suffer the consequences.
As a symbol, it can represent total commitment. We give a girl a cross necklace at her confirmation to represent her commitment to the church. We hang a cross in our home to remind us of our consecrated living space. Some even get the cross tattooed on their bodies to demonstrate a binding commitment to Christ.
In order to "take up" a cross of commitment, we need to put something down. Think of the young, rich ruler that Jesus loved. Jesus told him to put down all of his wealth and possessions. He said this not because you have to be poor and destitute to follow Jesus and find the Kingdom, but because his wealth was his obstacle, the weight he was carrying that hindered him from traveling the Jesus Way.
What am I carrying around that needs to be set down in order to carry the cross of Christ? Egotism disguised as self-esteem? Busyness to prove my worth or importance? A job that may not reflect my passions or purpose in Christ? Positions, memberships, or responsibilities that may increase my social status but decrease my effectiveness in representing Jesus in the world? Hidden habits? A hurtful history? Unforgiveness?
What are you carrying that is keeping you from traveling Light?
Robin Henshaw