In the same way the chief priests also, along with scribes and elders, were mocking him, saying, "He saved others; he cannot save himself. He is the King of Israel; let him come down from the cross now, and we will believe in him."
Matthew 27:41-42
Jealousy is a terrible emotion and universally felt by each of us at one time or another to our great discomfort. The chief priests and the scribes were not only jealous of Jesus and of his followers but were also fearful of them. "Let him come down now---‘an empty boast.'" He had already performed miraculous deeds that had not caught their attention and hence their admiration and devotion. This was not in God's plan. Would we have acted differently? I'd like to think so.
When I was in grade school there was a rather different girl in my class. She was what you might call pathetic: nothing at all attractive or appealing, I described her to my no nonsense live-at-home with us grandmother and you probably will not be surprised by the next step. I had to invite her home for lunch! I really didn't need that anyway, I did and she accepted. I didn't need that either. My classmates were amused and offered practical suggestions such as "Be sure to sterilize the dishes afterwards." I don't remember anything wonderful coming from that experience but the teacher did realize that Roselyn was the object of ridicule and the principal came in and gave us the B talk. I don't remember but I'd like to think we were all kinder afterwards. I'd also like to think I would not have mocked Jesus hanging on the cross if I'd been there.
Caroline York Chisum