Sunday, February 28, 2010

Lenten Reflection - February 28, 2010 The Second Sunday in Lent

If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves, and take up their cross and follow me.
Mark 8:34

It seems I always have a song in my heart, and as I reflected on this verse, I was reminded of a song made popular by Mary Travers in the 1970’s called Follow Me. These particular words from the song kept running through my mind—

Follow me up and down all the way and all around
Take my hand and say you’ll follow me

I can relate these lyrics to my Christian walk and to Mark 8:34. Isn’t that what it means to deny ourselves and take up our cross—to follow Jesus “all the way and all around”? Many of us practice self-denial during Lent by “giving up” certain foods, like chocolate or bad habits. While that is difficult to do and serves a purpose, denying ourselves in order to follow Jesus seems to be more than that. It means to deny our SELVES— to stop listening to our own voice, stop leaning on our own power, and stop trying to fulfill our own will and wishes. We take up our cross when we choose to follow the way Jesus taught us to live our lives, regardless of the cost. In today’s competitive society, we are rewarded for being leaders, not followers. But Jesus asks us to follow Him against the flow of worldly trends. Instead of relying on popular culture for how to succeed in life, let’s remind ourselves that Jesus gave us this ultimate formula for success. Won’t you take His hand and say you’ll follow, too?

Nancy Horkan