Thursday, March 15, 2012

Lenten Reflection - March 15, 2012

The man that loves his life will lose it while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. Whoever serves me must follow me and where I am, my servant will also be.
John 12:25-26

This passage says it so beautifully yet we as humans sometimes allow our vision to be blurred in reading it. Jesus was talking about living a life following his teachings and that of God. Jesus teaches us to Love one another, help our neighbors, those less fortunate, the sick, the hungry and those whose spirit is broken.

There is a fine line when we live of the world instead of in the world. When we become so caught up in material possessions, who is cool to hang out with, how much we make at our jobs, it is easy to overlook what is truly important; each other. The Rev. Wes Wubbenhorst gave an example this past Sunday, "Do we live more for the Ravens, political party, blah, blah, blah or do we live more for loving one another and helping those in need?" (paraphrased)

Could you leave all that you treasure behind to follow Jesus? We are called to, perhaps not in the same manner as the Disciples, but we should be doing our part (even a little more) to help one another, love without judgment and give our all to the Lord. I know personally that the hardest thing to imagine is leaving my family behind. I can live without wealth, but the family is another thing. Yet serving and following the Lord is what I seek to do. There is more to be done. I am trying, how about you?

Sharon L. McGlaughlin