Thursday, March 8, 2012

Lenten Reflection - March 8, 2012

One whose service is pleasing to the Lord will be accepted, and his prayer will reach to the clouds.
Ecclesiasticus 35:20

To properly consider this passage, it is important to understand the book of Ecclesiasticus. I originally thought it was Ecclesiastes, but it is not. Ecclesiasticus, also known as Sirach, "is a book in the Apocrypha. The Apocrypha consists of those books, which were included in the ancient Greek versions of our Old Testament but were not in the Hebrew.

Roman Catholics regard the Apocrypha as Scripture on the same level as the rest of the Bible. Protestants regard these books as important and informative but not canonical."[1]

Ecclesiasticus is derived from a Greek word meaning Preacher. I find this significant given the way our Protestant Episcopalian Church views this work. In this passage, I believe we are simply taught to joyfully serve the Lord.

However, I struggle with this because I perceive the suggestion that we are accepted based on good deeds. I actually much prefer an alternate translation of this passage, which states: "He that adoreth God with joy, shall be accepted, and his prayer shall approach even to the clouds."[2] I've never believed that we are accepted into Heaven simply by doing good deeds. It is through accepting Jesus Christ as our Savior that we are truly accepted. However, as taught in this passage, by joyfully adoring God, we please God and our prayers reach far and wide.

Mike Younkers