Thursday, March 14, 2013

Lenten Reflection - March 14, 2013

You shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make your free.
John 8:21-32

When I was growing up, the church I attended had this phrase across the front, and sitting there I saw it every Sunday. The saying means a lot to me, both as something from my childhood, and something I strongly believe.

We tend to say that the Bible speaks, if not to absolute historical fact, more importantly to truth. Indeed, the Psalmist says, "O LORD, the God of truth" In The Book of Common Prayer, it says, "O God ... whose service is perfect freedom."

Knowing the truth lets us shed all the chains of our mortal lives, to get away from the trappings of physical being and possessions, and move toward that important spiritual union with God. To know God is to know what's important. Not the trips we take or the things we have, but our souls' rightness with God, our salvation.

As Christians, we know that everything physical about us fades, but that our souls go on. Knowing the truth we can leave everything behind, and we are free to go on with God.

Greg Davis