Monday, March 9, 2009

Lenten Reflection - March 9, 2009

Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned.
Luke 6:37

We can’t survive without making judgments. From our childhood, we are taught to discern which actions are appropriate and which are not, those that threaten our safety and those that keep us safe. But Jesus isn’t talking about that kind of judgment here. He still expects us to distinguish right from wrong. The direction in this passage follows his instruction that his disciples should love their enemies. Now he is telling his followers to avoid judgment of all people, including their enemies. These words warn us to avoid gossip and all the subtle ways that we discount one another. Too often we are quick to label people and write them off because they are a liberal or conservative, white or black, Jew or Catholic. Too often we assume that we alone understand God’s prerogatives. Jesus is making it clear that there is no place for such assumptions among his followers.

Later in this passage, Jesus informs his disciples that “for with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” Everyone has value in God’s eyes. Jesus died for the sins of all, not just those whom we judge deserving. Here in Luke, Jesus is telling us that we will be measured by the same criteria that we use to measure others. Be it judgment, condemnation, forgiveness or generosity, Jesus uses his instructions in Luke to remind us that our rewards in his kingdom will be balanced against our actions.

Susan Whitehead